You held your hand out to protect my iPod, Anna quickly went to reach for it and you knew she would so you quickly drew it away. Though when she stepped forward to grab it, she stepped on your shoelace, causing you to fall flat on my face. "Clumsy fag." Anna muttered, looking down at you pathetically lying on the floor before walking away.

Your hands stung while your knees bled through your black jeans. You immediately check on your precious iPod and sighed, it was okay. You got onto your knees and dusted your front while plugging your music back into your ears, the sound of Kurt Cobain's sappy voice singing Dumb came through, causing your sad feelings to come through even stronger.

You broke down in the middle of the sidewalk, holding your face in your hands and shivering from the cold. People walked past giving you, giving you funny looks but you didn't care, you were done with everything. Nothing was going right for you, you were dealing with social anxiety so school is quite difficult for you, the crowded halls, constantly feeling like people are talking shit about you, and having to deal with Anna and her squad.

You managed to pick yourself up and continue walking, though you struggled to keep yourself up. Your hands felt almost frozen as they were hard to move and you had what felt like a brain freeze from the freezing, soaked mop on your head.

You shortly reached the trailer park, storming inside and seeing dad on the couch, watching TV. "Hey princess, what's wro-" His words were cut short by you slamming your bedroom door behind yourself. Then, you began to blast one of your favourite bands, Linkin Park. You purposefully played it loud so your cries couldn't be heard, using a pillow to muffle them as well just to be safe.

You knew Eddie was probably knocking on your door, wondering why you were in such a mood. Because of the music, you didn't notice your door crack open, he was watching you splayed out on my bed crying to yourself. You hadn't even given yourself a chance to take your backpack off, you just flopped on your bed and cried.

He knows when you're upset as you always listen to Linkin Park when you're sad, he picks up on the small things you do when you're in such a mood. You felt a dip in your bed and a hand rested on your arm so you looked up, seeing a small smile complimenting his face. You tried to smile at him but it just resulted in more tears flowing.

You turn away so he couldn't see your teary face and you feel your backpack slipping off your shoulders, so you wriggle around, helping it come off. You feel it hit the floor next to you as Eddie came and lay beside you. He taps your shoulder which makes you look up at him and he was holding his arms out, indicating that he wanted to give you a hug which you happily obliged.

You crawl into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, crying into his shoulder as he held you close, Linkin Park still blaring in the background making your cries impossible to hear. After a while, you eventually calm down. Your breath was still shaky and your bottom lip trembled so you bit down on it, to keep it steady.

He noticed your cries relax, so he reaches over to your stereo, turning it down, now making your voices able to be heard. "What's, up honey? Did something happen at school?" "Anna said that I looked fat and that my body hair was disgusting." "She's just jealous you've hit puberty and she hasn't." His snarky comment resulted in a laugh coming from you, considering he's supposed to be the adult.

He rubs your back as he continues to comfort you, "I mean, body hair is a natural thing anyway. It was bound to grow at some point pumpkin." He presses a finger to the end of your nose, making you giggle. "And as for the fat shaming, your body is beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you any different okay? You are gorgeous, stunning, and unique, and I bet you she's just jealous. Don't ever doubt your beauty, there's no one else like you, and don't ever feel insecure about yourself. You are a real treat for the eye. I would pay millions just to look at your beautiful face."

Eddie's childWhere stories live. Discover now