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I apologise if there are any mistakes, I originally wrote the entire thing in first person and then decided to change it :)

3.9K words 💬

TW: use of the f slur (I'm bisexual btw), mentions of suicide and self-harm, coming out, bullying, humiliation, etc.


"You're so ugly!" The popular girls say, surrounding you in the changing rooms. "Look at her belly!" You were in the middle of changing when they took your clothes away and you were left standing in your underwear. "Give it back!" You command, reaching out to grab your shirt. "Eww! Look at her armpits!" They all began cackling at the hair growing underneath, you forgot to shave the night before.

You quickly glued your arms to your sides, feeling the tears pricking your eyes. "Awe, poor baby. She's gonna cry." Anna says, poking your cheek. "No, I'm not." Unfortunately enough for you, a single tear fell down your cheek as soon as you spoke. "Look! The fag's crying!" They begin chanting faggot while pointing at you and because they had me cornered, you couldn't escape.

Anna then approaches you with your clothes, throwing them at your face. "Here's your fucking clothes, don't let anyone see that monstrosity of a body again unless you want them to go blind." "Fuck you, Carver." "The fuck did you say?" She says before taking a hand to your face, slapping you. "If you ever try and stand up to me again, those ugly brown locks of yours'll be gone, got it?" I nodded in response. "Good, you know the drill, Munson." "Tell anyone and I'm dead." "That's a good dog, cya later freak."

After the bimbo left with her clique, you slid down the wall and cried into your hands, still in your underwear. An hour passed and you decided that you should probably get up and change before anyone finds you. Most people know you for your dad, Eddie Munson.

You found it quite ironic that most people still think he's some satanic freak who sacrifices goats for the devil fifteen years later. He and you share the same interests too, you both enjoy dnd, your love for your guitars and heavy metal. Though after Nirvana had risen to fame, you were converted to grunge and pop-punk but your love for heavy metal still lies within.

Growing up, Eddie taught you to love yourself without makeup and these were one of those times you wish he hadn't. He'd go ballistic if he found any makeup in your room, he found an eyeliner pencil and banned me from any makeup stores until you were eighteen as you, "couldn't be trusted" around them.

You gathered yourself up and wiped my tear-stained cheeks, walking out into the crowded halls and hoping you wouldn't be spotted. Though your plan failed. "Y/n!" It was your best friend, Owen Harrington, the only other freak in the school. "Hey." I said, seeming down. "What's up?" "Nothing." He examined your red face and wet eyelashes, he knew you'd been crying.

"What happened?" "Anna and her clones happened." "I swear, I'm gonna kill her one day." The serious tone in his voice caused me to laugh a little. "I'm glad you're feeling better y/n." "Thanks O."


Anna had found you after school while you were walking home and did what she does best, make your life a living hell. "Hey, fag!" She yelled, resulting in you turning your headphones up more to drown out her whiny voice. "Hey! Don't ignore me." She pulled your headphones off one ear and continued to walk behind. "That's a nice iPod you got there, looks expensive." "Yeah, it was a birthday gift."

Eddie isn't exactly the richest, he works as a mechanic so his pay is decent but you can't just go around buying everything you see. He bought you an iPod for your birthday and you cherish it with your entire life, you've never loved anything more. "It would be a shame if it got ruined." "Yeah, it wou- WHAT THE FUCK!" She began to pour masses of cold water over your head, as it was winter you were already cold enough so the cold water running down your back didn't help.

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