🍋 Accidents happen.. 🍋

Start from the beginning

-30 Minutes Later-

Mint had finished his final song. Everybody clapped and rose from their seats. I'm proud of him for being able to go so far. Oh crap MY SHIFT- I kind of jumped up from my seat. "Hm? You good Sparkling?" Herb asked. "Yeah yeah I..FORGOT-ABOUT-MY-SHIFT." I say. "Well, it's a weekend? Don't you guys close at 12 anyways?" He says slightly tilting his head. "Oh that's right- I Should probably try and tell the others it's time to leave." I say rolling my sleeves back up. "Okay!"

I walked around explaining to the others that we were closing, which some took to heart while others didn't. Bit of a hard and awkward job.. but, eh, it's what I'm payed for regardless. "Hey Sparkling! We're heading off now!" Herb and Mint waved from the door. "Ah, alright! Have a good night, oh, and stay safe!" They waved once more as they left the bar. It seems my other employees left to.. hm. Oh well, guess I'd rather clean it MY way, in all honesty. I walked over to the counter to bend down and grab the supplies.

I opened the cabinet but it seemed it wasn't there, I had to crawl across the floor to see which cabinets they were put in. "Heh... wow, y-you got alot' hidin' in that *hic* trunk of yours.. heh." Wh- WHO AND WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT- I swear everybody left- Did some drunkard hide from me to stay longer- Wait what does he mean my trunk. I looked up from where I was.. and I didn't expect who it was. It was Vampire? And why did he look so.. intoxicated? He only had one glass which I gave him- Oh my fucking god, Rootbeer took over my shift. Alright.. just deal with him like other customers.

"Sparklinng." Oh right hes there- "Yeah? What is it bud?" I ask standing up. "Why have you.." He looked at me up and down, "Why have you always been hiding that *hic* nice body of y-yours anyyyways..?" He said with a slight chuckle as his eyes slowly gazed down. But seriously.. WHAT? I mean.. its weird because I don't really feel weirded out. It's just weird to hear him say that- Wait, do I like it? No no- He's just being drunk. He couldn't possibly..- "OI.. gonna answer me duuude?~" Vampire snapped me out of my thoughts again. "Oh, yeah, UHM.. I guess I've just not been into selling my body? Sorry, I don't have an answer for that.. but how about we call Alchemis-" "NO." He cut me off. Which was weird, normally he'd just whine. "I dont.. donnnntmrmm.. WANT herrr.." He looked away then chuckled for a second. "I waaant..you..~"

What. HUH? WHA?! This is so.. OPEN for him? I mean, he's always open.. but it- Feels refreshing? Gah I don't know anymore. "Alright Vamps. Your clearly drunk. Come on, I'll walk you home, since we're all alone here." He slowly lifted his head up gazing me right in his nice shade of purple eyes. "Alooooone?" He said that as he slid himself over the counter, to which he almost slid off of so I had to try and catch him, which did not go to plan as we both fell on eachother. "Gah- Ah, Vampire, you okay? Did you hurt yourself from the fall?" He didn't respond really, he just started chuckling then looked at me. But something was poking me. Did he break his glass? No, because it'd probably hurt.

"Hey Vamp, is your knee in my leg?" He slowly looked back down and checked. "NooooOpe!" He replied. I didn't really know if I COULD believe his answer, so I checked myself. And.. it was not what I was expecting. He had an.. odd structure in his pants. Then it hit me.. he was.. HARD. Well, I mean he couldn't really control it.. I wouldn't blame him- This is pretty.. intense. Well- It could just be because he's Drunk. Yeah, that's it, just because he has that.. nice rosy cheeked complection.. and his fluffy red hair and.. his calming but funny eyes. Wait what am I even sayi- "UghhhHh.. Sparkliiing.. quit poking me man?~" Vampire said with a groan as he face planted himself into my chest. "Vampire, I'm not poking y-." Without thinking I immediately lifted him up to check. And yep..i was hard too..

Well, I suppose it's fine.. but if he's feeling the same way I am.. Wh- No Sparkling.. control yourself..- "Sparrrkliiiing.. quit teasing me okayyy? Let's..Lets just *hic* Get intoo it?" I felt myself blush with his words.. but then he lifted himself up.. AND LITERALLY RIPPED OPEN MY SHIRT?! "Heh.. see THISSS.. is what I'm fuKIN' talking about!~" Vampire places his hands on my chest. I accidentally let out a bit of a moan from surprise. But I didn't feel embarsssed.. maybe even a little proud. But Vampire took that to the extreme. "Ohhh.. sparkliiiing.. I didn't know you were like that, dearrr~" Wh.. dear? I'm not gonna lie.. I'm a little flattered.. and that felt nice to be named.

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