movie date chaperones

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this is just a one shot so there won't be any other parts to this particular story, my entire account is basically just gonna be cute one shots lol so if you have a request lmk! this is gonna be all fluff btw. and disclaimer: i don't own any of these characters.

here's my headcanons for the characters included in this story:
will (gay, pronouns: he/they)
mike (bi, pronouns: he/him)
nancy (bi, pronouns: she/her)
robin (lesbian, pronouns: she/they)
steve (bi, pronouns: he/him

happy reading!!

Will and Mike walk into the Starcourt Mall holding hands, followed closely by Nancy and Robin, also holding hands. Mike looks behind him to see if maybe they magically wandered off or something and rolls his eyes when he sees they're still there.
"Ugh, I still can't believe mom made you and Robin come and chaperone our date. It's so lame, we're not kids anymore."
"Mike, you're still 15, yes you are," Nancy replied, smiling and giggling as Robin kisses her hand. "And besides, neither of you is old enough to drive, how did you expect to get here without us?"
"You could've just dropped us off," he grumbled.
"Oh wow, Mike, that's really nice. You know me and Rob want to see the movie too, right? It's not all about you."
Mike rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to snap back, but Will stops him. "Look, Mike, it's fine that they're here. I don't care who's here as long as I get to be with you, okay?"
Mike smiles in spite of himself and relaxes.
"Ok, yeah. You're right. Thanks, Will."
Mike kisses Will's hand. They both grin at each other and continue walking.

Robin suddenly pulls on Nancy's hand, stopping her from walking. Nancy looks at Robin, confused.
"What are you doing? We're gonna lose the boys if we don't keep up."
"Well...maybe that isn't such a bad idea."
"Listen, you know I love the boys like they're my own little brothers, but babysitting two kids on a date that don't even want us there isn't exactly my idea of a good time, you know? Maybe we could go hang out at Scoops and make Steve give us a bunch of free samples and brag about how he had to work tonight and I didn't? Sounds like a lot more fun, and you know Mike will be thrilled."
Nancy opens her mouth to say no — her mom will kill her if she finds out she let the boys go on their own. But Robin's right, babysitting the boys really doesn't sound like that much fun, and it's not like Mike would rat them out after begging for this.
Mike and Will have noticed that Nancy and Robin stopped walking. Mike is tapping his foot impatiently.
"Come on, the movie starts soon. If you're gonna tag along, at least don't make us late."
Nancy looks at Robin and smiles then looks back at the boys.
"You two go ahead. Rob and I decided we'd rather get ice cream. We heard the movie isn't that good anyway."
Mike's face lights up.
"Wait, do you mean it??"
"Yeah, yeah, thank me later. But hey, meet us at Scoops the second the movie ends. We're both in trouble if I lose you and mom finds out about this. Now go, before you're late."
Mike nods excitedly, and he and Will run to the movie theater, hand in hand. Robin looks at Nancy with her eyebrows raised.
"Yeah, I don't think they got excited about that at all," she quips.

*a few minutes pass*

Nancy and Robin walk through the doors of Scoops Ahoy holding hands, Robin giggling as Nancy kisses her neck lightly.
"Stevie! Look who had to work tonight! Shame not all of us can charm the boss into getting Friday night off."
Steve looks up and rolls his eyes.
"I should've known you'd find a way to come here and gloat."
He finishes scooping an ice cream cone and hands it to the guy standing in front of him and smiles nervously.
"Have a nice day!"
After the guy walks away, Steve looks at Robin and Nancy.
"He was kinda cute, don't you think?"
"You lost me at he, Harrington," Robin responds, grinning at Nancy. Steve rolls his eyes again and then looks behind Nancy and Robin.
"I thought you guys were supposed to be chaperoning Mike and Will's date tonight. Where are they?"
"They didn't love the whole chaperone thing, and Nance and I thought some alone time might be nice anyway, so we let them go on their own."
"Damn, Nance, I'm surprised you agreed to that. Usually you're all business."
"Yeah, well, Rob here made a...pretty convincing argument," Nancy giggled as Robin kissed her neck lightly.
"Oh, jeez. Get a room you two."
"Just two small strawberries and we'll be out of your hair, Stevie."
Steve rolls his eyes at the nickname, but secretly he loves when Robin uses it. She's the only one who's ever called him that, and he'd kill anyone else who tried it.
"Two strawberries coming up."
"Thanks! And I assume you'll be delivering them to our table personally?"
"Rob, it's Friday, we're really busy..."
"Thanks, Stevie!" she chirps, walking off with Nancy to find a table. Nancy looks back at Steve, laughing.
"He hates you."
"Not a chance. Now...where were we?"

*setting change*

Mike and Will find seats in the back row...with Robin and Nancy out of the way, they weren't planning to do much movie watching.
"Hi," Mike says, smiling at Will.
"Hi yourself," Will replies, smiling back.
Mike leans in and kisses Will. When they pull apart, Will whispers something that Mike can't hear.
"What did you say?"
"I love you."
Mike freezes. He thinks back to him and El's relationship, remembers telling her he loved her. But in this moment, he realizes...
"Will. I used to think I knew what love felt like. But now, I'm realizing, that I didn't. Not until this very moment. I love you too. More than anything in the world."
Will grins widely, blushing. He leans in and kisses Mike again.
"I feel the same way, Mike. God I love you so much. It feels so nice to finally be able to say that to you. I love you."
They kiss once more. Then, Will happily leans his head onto Mike's shoulder, while Mike leans his head over onto Will's head. They sit like that for what feels like forever and yet not long enough, taking in the wonderful moment.

*setting change again, about an hour and a half has passed*

Robin and Nancy were still sitting at the table at Scoops Ahoy making out, although they'd finished their ice cream a while ago. They were the only customers left in the shop. Suddenly, they both looked up as Steve approached their table.
"Look, this place closes in 10 minutes, so unless Robin is planning to suit up and help me close, y'all need to go."
"Yeesh" Robin teases, "somebody's cranky."
"Well, maybe somebody would be a little less cranky if a certain couples hadn't insisted on trying 10 different samples each."
Nancy laughs at Steve and Robin's banter.
"Come on, Rob, he's right, we've given him enough trouble for one night."
"Oh wowww, take his side then."
"Oh, be quiet," Nancy replies as she grabs Robin's arm and pulls her out the door.
"Night, Steve!"
"Night, Nance. Night, Rob."
The girls giggle at each other as they leave. When they get out the door, Nancy looks around.
"The movie should be over soon. I swear if those stupid boys don't..."
"If those stupid boys don't what?" Mike asks, coming up behind them, hand in hand with Will.
"Thank God. Now let's go."
Mike lets go of Will's hand to run ahead towards the exit, knowing it'll stress Nancy out more. She lets go of Robin's hand to chase him.
"Mike, slow down! Jesus, Mike!"
Robin wanders over to Will.
"How was the movie, kid?"
"Um...we didn't really pay that much attention to it."
"Oooh," Robin teases, and Will blushes hard, making Robin laugh. They both look up at the Wheeler siblings as they chase each other around the mall.
"What do we see in them again?" Robin asks Will jokingly.
"No idea," Will jokes back.


hope you enjoyed my attempt at some byler/ronance fluff!! this was super fun to write!! lmk if y'all wanna see more like this!!

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