Chapter 9: The Kenway Mansion

Start from the beginning

"Sounds wonderful. We'll pull the cart to block the exit. A smoke bomb will cloud their vision. If we're fast enough no one will be the wiser," Evie says and urged the cart to move forward.

"Care to share your wonderful smoke bombs with me? I have none on me," Sarah says. "Of course, here. Best get ready, here we go."

Sarah jumps off the cart and without wasting a single second she throws one of the bombs on the ground. The guards cough loudly and sway disoriented and with surprise in the area. Luckily, the smoke wasn't too visible as it only covers a small area, but wouldn't be wise to linger long, Evie thought.

Two guards were quickly struck by hidden blades of Sarah. Before she could turn around to face the other ones, she is grabbed by one. The other regains its footing as he moves to strike her down. Sarah seems calm, and for good reason. Evie stood on the cart for higher ground and threw two knives at the remaining guards. Each landing in the skull made them fall to the ground dead.

"Excellent aim, Evie. You should enter a tournament," Sarah says softly with a chuckle, "Go and get the information we need. I will take care of the cart and drugs. We best meet away from the Mansion. The coppers will likely come quickly," Sarah says as she starts to move the bodies. Evie sighs a bit as she watches Sarah.

"And why is that?"

"I may already have informed Abberline yesterday... It would be strange if the cargo just appeared without informing the police beforehand. At the time it made sense. My apologies for not saying anything about it sooner. It slipped my mind after Clara's admittance into the hospital," Sarah says sheepishly.

"You're making it more difficult... When you're done, just make sure you're far away. I'll meet you at your home when I am done."

"Certainly, Evie. I will be done before your know it," she says and piles the corpses in a heap and starts unloading the cart. "I will definitely take a bath after this..." Sarah mutters as Evie climbs through a window.

As Evie enters, she quickly ducks behind a sofa. The room looks to be a salon room. A small chandelier was hanging from the roof. Bookcases were seen across the right wall with bookcases. The sofa, where Evie was hiding behind, faced a door that led into the hallway most likely.

As Evie peeks over the sofa, she saw no one in the current room. It is a beautiful home, Evie had to admit. The years that it was taken by the Templars at least didn't cause it to be damaged. Sarah will be glad to hear it. Now, Evie has the troublesome task to find the necessary information. A vault, Sarah said there should be one here. Probably under the ground floor, a vault is probably something you'd make underground.

Evie didn't notice anything out of place even with the help of Eagle vision. She sneaks her way to the door that leads to the hallway, and she could already hear two pairs of feet. Hardened leather boots walked through the hall from the right to the left. Evie sighs and gently tried the doorknob. It was locked. Before she could try to unlock it, the feet stopped in front of the door. She jumps again behind the sofa to hide.

"Are you sure? It's in here?" One male voice asks.

What? The room was very standard. A sofa, bookcases, a table, and on the walls were a few paintings of landscapes. There were also a few cupboards, but they look very standard in design for a luxury mansion.

"Yeah, I stored it in here. Bloody hell, too many keys. Why are there so many damn keys for this house?" Another male voice says.

"Miss Thorne wanted every lock changed. A measure against intruders, she said. I don't get it. Why are we even here then," the male says.

"Finally, I got the right one. Come, I found it in the kitchen," the other man says, opens the door, and walked in. The fairly slim man looks around and with a smile walks to a cupboard. A large brawny man followed him.

"Took me some time, but I found a real gem in that sorry excuse of a pirate kitchen," the thinner man says, "How long has this house been abandoned? Twenty? Thirty years?" He mutters as he rummages in the cupboard.

"A hundred, but the Scott women came from time to time. The daughter of Elizabeth tried to get the Mansion back but failed. She is in the gutter now. I think there's even a painting in the hallway somewhere of hers," the man answers.

"Bah, history that no one cares for. Here," the other one says and shows a bottle of rum. Evie guessed it came from Edward's time. Not sure if it is even healthy to drink that, but the man seems not to care. "Real pirate rum! Not that piss you buy in the pub. You got to try it. It is good!"

The brawny man grins with stupidity and drinks his fair share of the bottle. What a bunch of sorry excuses. Maybe it's better to stick to women, Evie thought. They are more sensible at the very least. She takes a deep breath and takes out two throwing knives. As if she is speed herself, she throws them toward the men, making them drop dead on the floor. Evie walks back to the window.

"Sarah? Still there?" Evie says through the open window.

"Yeah, what's the matter? I am about to leave. Everything is set up for Abberline," Sarah says.

"Got two more bodies. Could you...?"

Sarah rolls her eyes. It seems she isn't too happy about it. "Fine, just help get the bodies through the window..." she says and another deeper sigh leaves her as she sees the bodies. "It just has to be a large, bulky one, doesn't it? Alright. Let's get them into the cart."

After sweating and grunting with the bodies, Evie goes further into the house. Sarah was right. The large bulky man was a nightmare. A bath would be fantastic after that ordeal. Patience, Evie thought, It'll be done soon.

The hallway connected to two additional rooms. One to the left and another one to the right. She decided to go to the left one first. Getting into the room should be easy now as she has the keys. When opened, she entered a room with a beautiful piano. The was surprisingly open. It could be used for music and dancing. There are more bookcases against the wall and windows showing the surrounding streets.

On an open wall, we're a few small paintings, portraits from the look of it, and another larger one showing a sunset on an island. Curiosity got the better of her and she went over to the smaller portraits. It is the whole Kenway family from the looks of it. Edward, Haytham, Elizabeth. From the looks of it, Haytham did not have any children.

Elizabeth, though, had one child from the looks of it. Very similar appearance to Sarah and Olivia. The only few differences were that her features were more stricter and regal. The sisters have softer features, making them look kinder and more approachable.

It makes her smile a little as she sees two smaller versions of Sarah and Olivia in one painting. Both looked to be more in the mood for playing than sitting still for hours. They looked happy. At least their mother managed to get their portraits here. Keeping the tradition alive so to speak.

Evie takes a breath as she scans the rooms for anything. From a glance, nothing striking appears, only a hidden message was placed on the wall with the painting. A few piano notes. Edward was smart, but he has gone to extensive lengths to keep this Piece of Eden hidden. Even the Brotherhood did not know about it.

She went back to the piano and played the tune. The piano starts to play on its own as the floor starts to open up. Edward has a flare for dramatics, Evie thought. In excitement and curiosity, she went down the stair. To her surprise, she is met with the memories of Edward's time as a pirate. His flag hangs on the stone brick wall. There's even the steering wheel of the ship. As she looks around the room, one thing soon sticks out. A round disk of some sort. A key, Evie soon concludes as she picks it up to have a closer look.

"Are you certain you heard music?" Lucy Thorne's voice speaks as Evie hears her from above.

"Bloody bell," Evie mutters, pulls a lever she thinks will close it up, and exits through the hidden exit...

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