"What? Are you hurt? Did I do something?" His heart is pounding against his ribcage unbelievable hard as he surveys her trying to figure out what just happened.

"Oh." She does it again, this time a marveled look cascading her face.

"What?" He presses, eyebrows arched in deep concern.

"The baby just kicked for the first time." She reveals, the words coming out hushed and struck by wonder.

He exhales, discharging the worry with it. His eyes twinkling at her with longing to feel it himself. To be a part of this special moment. "It did?"

His hesitance about feeling it is quite cute, actually. "Really? You touch me whenever you get the chance and now you're not sure about it?"

"Shut up." He mumbles, though wearing the biggest grin as he lays his hand close to hers on her stomach. She slides it to the right spot, her hand ontop of his and they wait for a few beats in hopes that it will happen again. His whole face lights up once he feels a small kick under his palm, though his brows are bunched together. "That is so fucking weird and amazing at the same time."

Sage smiles widely, in complete awe of the situation before her. There's a living thing inside her, growing. Actually, now that she thinks about it, it's quite disturbing.

"Another one." His eyes are glowing like a giddy kid in a candy shop. Or him in the candy shop last week. "She or he is saying hello."

"Hello." Blaise slenders into the space

"Who's saying hello?" Theo waltzes in right after, Maeve under his wing.

Blaise turns his head to his friend, pointing at his own chest. "I'm saying hello."

Draco rolls his eyes just like Sage.

"Hey, look bubs," Theo points at Sage and Draco perched on the floor, with him basically on her lap, "we've been in that same position ten minutes ago."

"Yeah, we've been." Maeve high fives her husband before heading over to the fridge.

Draco stands up, giving Sage a hand so she can too, his other one supporting her lower back. Then he holds her by the shoulders, wearing a stern face.

"Where? Is my underwear, Blossom?" He questions, much less amused now than he was before.

"Back at home." She replies, biting her lip, because it is still funny to her.

Goodness, she loves annoying him.

He has to take a deep breath, because that is miles and miles away in Britain. Far from their current location on Hawaii, Kauai.

The group, meaning him and Sage, Pansy, Blaise and Theo each with their respective spouses and ontop of that Milo and George along with Cedric and Skye, who made things official a while ago-all of them reside in a rental house with direct view to the beach.

Twelve heads under one bungalow.

It's fun, to say the least.

It is a true tropical paradise. The water at the beach is crystal clear and a fresh turquoise, it smells like coconut and sweet like local flowers and to top it off, the temperature is not too hot this time around year.

Draco's thumbs brush over the skin of her neck. "You are my very own nuisance, aren't you?" He faces defeat. "What am I gonna do without underwear now?"

"Wait, hold on-you have no underwear on right now?" Blaise questions, but only gets a blank stare as a response from the one in question. "So, let's say, if I were to pull down those trunks," he continues, arms folded over his chest and rubbing his chin like this is some complicated math, "you would stand here free-willy?"

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