SIX - late night

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robin's pov

i left class early about 2 minutes earlier to run to y/n's class and be there when the bell rings. as i wait for the bell, i fidget with the bandages on my knuckles.


students dash out of their classes, desperate to leave this hellhole. i watch as every student walks out of history, trying to spot mi amor.

that's when i see her. talking to bruce yamada. laughing with him.

"hey mija." i call out, walking over to her locker and leaning against it.

"what's up, tonto." she laughs, opening the locker door right in my face. "what're you doing here?"

"can i walk you home?"

"sure, see you later bruce." y/n smiles, shutting her locker door and walking with me down the hallway.

"so, are you able to come over later?" i ask, my hand brushing against hers.

"no, but why?"

"what do you mean no?"

"my dad will kill me if he finds out i hang out with you, heck he'll kill you too."  she rants, meaning every single word she says.

i frown slightly, "can't you just lie and say you were with donna or something?" i plead.

"are you trying to get me killed?" y/n jokes, staring at me with her big e/c eyes.

that smile of hers made my heart race like a mile a minute. but she'd never like me. she'd probably swing for bruce yamada.

"are you trying to steal my soul?" she asks. maybe her heart, yes.


"because you're staring at me like you are." i immediately get flustered and turn my head around. "is robin arellano getting shy?"

"no" i say bluntly.

"i'm messing with you. sometimes i stare too, don't worry." she smiles. we both hear fast-paced footsteps running behind and turn to see an exhausted finn standing before our eyes.

"did you guys forget i exist?" he asks. yes, yes i did.

y/n and i laugh and turn to walk again.

y/n's pov

after dinner, which was just canned soup boiled in a pot, i went for a warm shower and changed into a faded green crop top and grey sweatpants. i sit at my desk, clicking my pen repetitively, while doing my homework.

as i write my final answer for my maths, i hear a tap at the window. i turn and see robin mouthing "open the window". i roll my eyes due to his stupidity and slide it open.

"you do realise it was unlocked, right?" i ask, watching him enter the room quietly. "also, you do realise my dad is home, right?"

"do i look like i give a fuck?" robin remarks, jumping on top of my bed and spreading out his body.

"he's probably knocked out cold anyway." i say, shoving his body aside and laying next to him. "how's the hand?" i ask, picking it up gently and bringing it up to my face.

"same ol', same ol'" he replies. robin turns to face me so i copy his actions. "you wanna do anything tomorrow?"

"didn't i already tell you-"

"i know.. i'll just come back tomorrow when your dad is at work." robin suggests."please?" he pleads, pouting with his bottom lip.

"fine," i give in. "just never do that again, you're robin." he laughs and pulls me closer. he kisses my forehead and i smile. but it almost immediately drops when i hear footsteps.

i've learnt to recognise my dad's footsteps in case i needed to hide something and in this case, it's robin.

"robin, get down." i whisper shout, shoving him off the bed and onto the side opposite the door.

"what the fuck-"

"my dad's coming." i warn. i quickly get under the sheets and close my eyes.

"y/n, don't stay up too late." dad points out. "and shut that window of yours, why is it open?"

"it smelled of beer so i tried to air it out, i'll close it don't worry." i lie, walking up to the window.

"lights out soon, love you." he says, shutting my door. he always says that but with all the beating and yelling, i'm pretty sure that's something he just says.

i slide the window down and help robin up, "sorry, robin." i apologise.

"all good, mi amor." we then lay down in the same position as before, except closer. he places his hand on my waist and pulls me into a hug. a cuddle? i can't understand anything that happens with him.

i can hear his heart beating and feel his chest rising and falling. but that's when it hits me. why does he care about me so much? i've known him for a couple of weeks and here i am cuddled up close, listening to his heart beat.

"y/n, are you alright?" he asks, noticing my lack of speech.

"i'm fine. just thinking." i reply, looking up at him.

"hmm.. what're you thinking about?"

"just a little bit confused." i state. robin looks at me in confusion. "why do you care for me so much?"

"what kind of question is that?" he jokes. "you care about me. why can't i do the same?"

"i don't know, everything just seems so unreal," robin looks down at me and kisses me on the forehead. "you give me too many kisses, stop." i giggle, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

"it's the closest thing i can get to the real thing." he flirts.

"in your dreams, arellano."

wanna be yours, ROBIN ARELLANOWhere stories live. Discover now