I snapped out of my thoughts when the doorbell now started ringing continuously like someone was playing drums. The person was literally making a tune by ringing it in a musical manner.

I can say that the peron is a complete weirdo.

Who the fuck plays a doorbell like an instrument.

I face palmed myself and got out of the bed.

I stepped in the living room and saw Jisoo tying her hair in a bun and walking towards the door.

"Yah Jisoo Tutle Rabbit Kim. Open the door or I will kick it" shouted the weirdo.

The door opened and there was a long legged person with cute bangs standing outside.

She immediately engulfed Jisoo in a hug.

"What's with you so early in the morning Lisa?" Jisoo asked returning her hug.

So the weirdo name is Lisa.

The way she hugged Jisoo seems like they are good freinds or are they in a relationship? I don't know why but I felt sad at that thought.

"11 AM is early morning? Wow! Turtle Rabbit what did you do all night?" The weirdo or should I say Lisa asked smirking. And what's with the TuRtLerAbBiT shit?

"Shut up Lisa"

Lisa stepped inside kicking the door with her leg.

"What's with ringing the doorbell like this. Huh?" Jisoo asked

"Oh, I was trying to make a nice song. You liked it didn't you?" Lisa said. Jisoo just shaked her head.

"Ohh! You have a guest? It's my first time seeing a girl in your house except me" Lisa asked looking at me.

Jisoo turned back and gave me a sweet smile and wished me "Good Morning" I wished her back too.

Jisoo walked towards me and then put her hand on my forehead.

"How are you feeling? Did you slept good last night?"

I just nodded. "I am good now Jisoo. Thankyou for asking".

"Good. What would you like to eat? Your personal chef Kim Jisoo will make it for you" Jisoo said teasing me.

*Cough* *Cough*

"Guys I am still here. If you can please stop being cheesy then I would like to introduce myself." Lisa said.

"Nyeongan! I am Lisa Manoban the CEO of Manoban Enterprises. Nice to meet you."

"Ne- Hii! I am Jennie Kim." I gave a short intro of myself.

"No , she's Kennie Jim" Jisoo teased me as how I introduced myself for the first time to her.

"Yah!! Jisoo" I said softly hitting her shoulders.

We all laughed together. I felt like home. I felt nice.

"By the way Jisoo these are the files." Lisa said handing Jisoo some files.

I wonder what did Jisoo do for a living.

"Thanks Lisa. Um okay then I will just take a shower as I have to head to work" Jisoo said and left the living room.

Now there were only Lisa and me sitting in an awkward silence. I felt asking what's her relationship with Jisoo but didn't, who am I even to ask about Jisoo's personal life..

"Hey Kennie Ji-" Lisa stated

"JENNIE KIM" I corrected

"Okay I was just kidding" She said while giggling.

"So you stayed here at Jisoo's place for the night?" She continued

"Ah Yes"

"Wow! Am surprised Jisoo is not a person who let people sleep with her. I mean you are the first person to stay at her place for a night. You won't believe but she don't allow me to either". Lisa said.

I didn't knew what to say I feel special and just smiled at the thought and nodded my head.

"By the way , Jisoo is a very very nice person so you don't need to be uncomfortable. Okay? We also became freinds the first time we met. She's a very easy going person. Nice , humble , caring and the list goes on.."

"I - I know Jisoo treated me very well. I don't feel uncomfortable around her.... So you two are freinds ? I mean I thought you liked Jisoo..." I said hesitating.

"I adore Jisoo. I mean who doesn't. She's a calm, composed and divine person. I like her" Lisa said.

And I don't know why but I felt a little bit sad. So they are really a thing?

"But as a best freind or you can say sister. I like her as a sister. We share a sisterly bond love" Lisa said smiling hugely.

I felt crackers bursting everywhere. What's wrong with me. So she likes Jisoo but as a sister! Yes yes yes. Oh gosh there's really something wrong with me.

I felt bad as I called Lisa a weirdo. She's a nice person.

"Jisoo is an early bird but today she was sleeping till this late. I can't believe this how things changed in one night. So what did you guys do all night? Huh??" Lisa asked smirking widely.

Okay I take my words back. She's still a weirdo

I blushed at the thought how Jisoo back hugged me and I kissed her cheek.

"You are blushing, tell me tell me so how is Jisoo!?"

"S-She's nice. Why are you asking you just met her"

"I mean how's Jisoo...in bed?"

This weirdo.

"W-we didn't do anything"

"You are stammering"

"I-its just b-because am not well"

"Aaaaahhhh so you really didn't?" She whined

"N-No we didn't do anything"

"Yet" Lisa said.

"I - I will just take my medicines. Okay bye" I ran to the bedroom.

What the fuck !! What's wrong with you Jennie !?? Why are you blushing and stammering.

I was about to go back to the living room to face Lisa Wierdo but I stopped.

Jisoo stepped out of the bathroom. I stood there in shock.

"Fuck" I said.

(A/N - Hiii!!! So we completed 10 chapters today !! Please tell me your views on this story and if any corrections I need to do , so that I can improve my writing 🙃. Thankyou ❤)

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