II: Hour 5- Realization

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Violet Starchen:

It didn't take long before everything I hadn't realized hit me. I hadn't realized there was an alarm to tell us when the world's end was near.

I hadn't realized that the moment it was said that it was our time to go, people would lose their shit. The sounds of car alarms, windows shattering, and people running outside screaming filled my ears and made my heart pound.

I hadn't realized that we'd turn into fucking animals the moment we knew our time was up.

I hadn't realized I'd have time to sit with my thoughts and grieve over my impending death.

I hadn't realized the air would get sucked from my lungs slowly until I couldn't breathe and I was gasping for air.

I hadn't realized I'd be pacing back and forth in my living room as my mind thought of all the ways I'd go: if it'd be slow or fast, if it would hurt or not, if I'd be the last one to go and have to watch those I love be extinguished from this earth right before eyes before I eventually joined them.

I hadn't realized that the moment I thought too hard about it, I'd give myself an anxiety attack that forced me to curl into a ball in the corner of my living room as my body shook violently, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I chuckled as Alexei parked the car in front of a small house. Mia's parents lived on a farm in the countryside of Embery. Lenksurns. They've been living here for years. I remember when I first came over here to Mia's. She was nervous because she thought I'd judge her. Growing up, she was somewhat poor, and I had everything I could dream of ever having. My parents were well off and gave me everything I wanted, but Mia's family was way better than mine.

Her parents actually saw her, took care of her, and showed her what love was. My parents didn't show me affection with actions and words. They bought me material things and thought that would be a good substitute for the lack of love and affection I got as a child. The moment I stepped foot into Mia's house, I was welcomed with open arms and hugs and kisses.

At first, I was a little uncomfortable never having grown up in a home like this, but eventually, I yearned for it. I never wanted to be home. I always wanted to be with Mia and her family and actually experience what a family is supposed to be like.

This is why I knew Alexei would be fine. Plus, Alexei's a great guy. He's kind, caring, affectionate, and very watchful. He always knows when something's wrong with others, and he's always willing to help. He listens, and he's just the perfect man, at least for me, he is. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to answer. Alexei's nerves didn't settle.

The nervous way he was rubbing his hands on his pants said it all. "Hey, ты будешь в порядке, я обещаю. (You'll be fine, I promise.)" He gave me a small smile, and I smiled back just as the wood door was being opened. I turned to see what the screen door revealed, and there Mia stood. She squeaked in excitement and opened the door more quickly.

"Oh my god! Violet, you don't understand how much I've missed you!" she beamed. Her eyes went to Alexei, and she pulled him into a swift hug. Alexei and I were similar in some ways. He doesn't do well with unexpected affection, so the awkward way he hugged Mia back made me laugh. He glanced at me, playfully glaring, before Mia pulled back to examine him. "Oh my god, I'm so glad she brought you. We've been telling Mamma and Daddy all about you, and they can't wait to meet you,"

"See what I tell you?" I said. Alexei looked at Mia and smiled.

"Come on, let's get ya'll inside," Mia said. We all walked inside the house and down the small, dimly lit hallway. We followed Mia to the living room, where we set our bags down.

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