jisung may have moments of boldness in occasion. he may act like he has the upper hand- or try his best to at least prove it- but truth be told, he was weak when it came to feelings.

he was easily swayed. easily knocked off his feet and truthfully not confident at all. however if there was one thing he was good at- it was faking it.

and if faking was what he needed to do to get a confession out of minho, he'll fake it til he dies.

the odd sudden intimacy of the moment had minho withdrawing first, eyes moving off to the side with a slight tilt to his lips. as if slightly laughing at the statement.

but it was the truth.

"oh yeah?" he leaned his hand back against his chin as he looked over the younger. "what were you thinking of?" he asked. "how much you're in love with me? or our relationship of seven years?" his eyebrow raised.

this was something they do all the time. this was not new to either of them. the teasing, the taunting, the mocking. but jisung couldn't help the way his heart raced faster.

jisung tiredly smiled; smushing his cheek further against minho's forearm with a heavy sigh. "both." he sang, allowing himself to drown in the fast beating of his heart and the giddiness that came with it.

even if it was playing around, he'll take minho like this with no problem. if it would allow him even just a second more of the warmth he grew reliant on.

"ahh i see." minho absentmindedly said, bringing the hand he was resting against up to take a small piece of lint that fell on jisung's cheek. "you must really like me."

jisung felt his cheeks flush a little red as he brought his head down slightly. "i do."

he heard minho hum against him. "well in that case, we should continue with our venture." he said, and jisung felt a little twig of disappointment snap inside of him.

to minho it must've just been a game. he didn't know that he was telling the truth.

jisung just needed to find a single sliver of hope. he needed to know if there was a possibility of shared feelings or not. so bringing himself back, he sat up and loosely looped his arm around the one he was previously laying against.

"you know.. a boyfriend of seven years should carry his boyfriend around if he's sleepy. it's only the right thing to do." he said, and he looked straight into the older's eyes. "if you like me."

there was a moment of dead silence as minho took in the statement. his eyes briefly landed down to the arm looped around his own before he made eye contact again.

"if i like you?" he mimicked. "how could i be in a seven year relationship with someone and not like them. that doesn't really seem like a stable relationship to me." he said.

jisung accepted the reply. it wasn't a complete shut down and it wasn't what he wanted, but he'll take it.

"then carry me." he extended his arms outward in an admittedly confident way. "i'm too tired."

that part wasn't a lie. he really hadn't felt better after eating- if anything it made him even more tired.

however what did make him feel awake was the sudden touch of minho's hands against his arms to pull him to stand.

"you're ridiculous." he said, turning around and bringing jisung's arms up over his shoulders nonetheless.

racing wasn't even the word. jisung's heart was full on sprinting.

where his arms came around minho's neck, it was pure fire. it was tingly and his skin felt ablaze from underneath. it was all in a matter of seconds that his body reacted before his mind could.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now