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minho had finished his two pieces far before jisung even got to his second one.

his movements were slow, drawn out and tired as he tried his hardest to stay awake and not choke.

minho would've felt bad given any other situation. but since he was only tired because he stayed up late at chan's place he didn't feel bad in the slightest.

"seriously. what were you doing that kept you up so late?" minho offhandedly asked, watching jisung much on the bread whilst resting his cheek against his hand.

seems like even when tired jisung could manage to be a little shit. he suddenly gave a lopsided smile, tainted by drowsiness as he snorted a little. "we had sex." he flatly lied, in his mind clearly joking.

however despite it being a joke, there was not an ounce of sarcasm detectable in the statement. minho stared blankly at him, eyes unmoving.

the way he said it sounded serious. it sounded like he was even taking a moment to recall the events of last night with the way he paused.

jisung continued eating, taking the final bite and putting it in his mouth, not finding a reason to sit up anymore and instantly melted back into minho's side once he was done.

however the older moved away. "you and chan are a thing?" he questioned, still staring at the younger's side profile as he chewed.

after being rejected from resting against him, jisung blinked and finally brought his eyes to open fully. it was difficult given the cold air and the sensitivity, but he swallowed down his food before using his own arms as pillows.

"no." he sighed, closing his eyes again. "we're not. but i bet if i asked him to give me a kiss he would." he thought. "well.. he'd be shy about it but still would do it."

minho found his brain slowing for a second, turning his body slightly more towards the younger. "so you two didn't actually.."

"do the nasty? no." jisung snorted to himself at how ridiculous the idea even sounded. "i was just trying to joke.. he actually fell asleep waaay before i did." he hummed.

minho rolled his eyes at the idiocy of his roommate and turned his body back to the way it was. "you're a fucking dumbass." he mumbled, bringing a hand down to jisung's arm to move him back on his arm.

jisung smiled while leaning his cheek against minho's shoulder, loving both the scent and warmth it resulted in.

ha shivered slightly before moving closer.

"why didn't you sleep then?" minho asked.

the thought of telling the truth flashed by in jisung's mind, but no amount of being tired would get him to spill that information all by himself.

so instead, he shook his head against minho's shoulder and huddled a little closer, chasing more warmth. "just couldn't." he said. "was thinking."

minho looked down at his face. "thinking about what?" he looked down at the curve of jisung's eyelashes. "of me?" the suggestion was hidden behind a little snicker.

however jisung lifted his head up a little, not pulling so far back. he was used to every tease by now. he was familiar with every time minho's voice would dip into a sly tone.

except this time it felt different. it felt slightly off with the way he said it.

especially after the revelation, the teasing did get to him this time. he no longer hated it. instead he liked it. it made him decide to play it back.

"yes." he said, sleepy eyes dipping down to the rest of minho's features.

it felt like the cold enveloped them. it made a little bubble that was hard to break out of. jisung saw something spark behind minho's eyes, and even though he was tired he could feel his heart racing harshly in his chest.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now