Chapter 9: Burst Mode

Start from the beginning

**(Action music play it. I went with Crash by Fit for rivals.)**

Minoru was throwing as many grape balls as he could in the water and when Izuku saw that it was enough he signaled him to stop. Tsu then grabbed Minoru by the waist and before she jumped off the boat she gave the grape pervert a warning. "No touching on this ride or I'll feed you to those sharks down there." Tsu said and Minoru nodded sadly.

"Enough chit chat." Izuku said in his veteran like tone. Before Tsu leaped off she asked Izuku a question. "Izuku how do plan to put a hole into the ground?" Tsu said in which Izuku smirked.

"You just let me handle that. Now go!" Izuku yelled to the frog girl.

Tsu leapt off the boat and Izuku began to channel OFA to his energy spear quirk to created a javelin. "Hey, where do those punks think they're going." A villain said as some began to head towards the direction that Tsu was heading.

"I be more worried about myself." The looked back to the boat and widen their eyes, they saw Izuku wield a green javelin and was perched on the railing of the boat. "You punks messed with the wrong class." Izuku said to them as he jumped high in the air and threw his javelin into the ground.

" **LIBERTY SPEAR!"** Izuku screamed the name of his move as the javelin flew to the ground at high speed. Once the javelin hit the ground it exploded and caused all water to circulate to one point. "Just like I planned." Izuku said as he saw that the grape balls that Minoru threw were sticking to the villains and with the water circulating the villains were starting to stick together. Izuku felt the boat be rocked furiously and decided it was time to leave, he flashed to join Tsu and Minoru.

"Good work you two." Izuku said to both Tsu and Minoru in which they nodded… well Minoru released a breath of air because there were out of danger… for now at least.

"Now, you both need to get to the entrance." Izuku told them but Tsu asked him a question.

"Where are you going Izuku?" Tsu asked though she already knew the answer.

"I'm going to help Aizawa sensei."

"Then we're coming as well." Tsu said and Minoru looked at her like she grew two heads.

"We are?" Minoru said fearfully and Izuku narrowed his eyes at the frog girl.

"No you're not. You both are going to the entrance and besides coming with me is too dangerous." Izuku told Tsu harder, but the frog girl did not waver.

"You can't expect to win a fight against that all those villains even with Aizawa, it's too much for the both of you. You need our help." Tsu said trying to reason her class president.

"I think he's pretty good." Minoru said and Tsu glared at him to shut up.

"I can handle it, I have better training them the both of you, and if things get real bad, I will use my **trump card**." Izuku told her but Tsu was still adamant on going with Izuku. Izuku knew that they were wasting time decided to come to a compromise.

"Fine you both can come but… both of **you will** remain at a safe distance. Understood." Izuku said to the girl and she nodded in understanding. The group decided to head Aizawa location and rescue him from a deadly group villains.

"I don't get a say in this, do I." Minoru said as both Tsu and Izuku were walking away. Minoru sighed and decided against his better judgment to not follow the two.

"I guess not. Wait up." Minoru said as he ran to catch up with the two heroes. Tsu, Izuku, and Minoru may have escaped their zone, but this is one of the many battles happening all over USJ.

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