Chapter 1- Help!

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"Shit, I should of brought a coat" Emily said as she rubbed the her arms trying to make them warm.

It was raining and she had know idea where she was going and all she knew was an address of a guy she met on an online game called Warcraft. His name was Stiles Stilinski.

She walking alone in the forest so she wouldn't be in the road. As you know forests could be kind of creepy at night, and she hates the dark.

"Hey you should be out here alone, at night" someone said making Emily jump. "Who are you" she asked trying to back away but only to trip over a tree branch making her fall on her face. "My name is Scott Mcall what is yours". "Mine is Emily and I'm not alone you are here". Scott laughed at her. "You got a point, by the way where are you going ?"

"Um, a crap where is that address" Emily said while searching through her pockets. "Is this what your looking for" Scott said as he picked up the paper from the wet ground. "Yeah, thanks" she said.

At the same timed wind starts to blow harder bs it started to run again. "Hey I am going to this same address let me take you." He said. Oh, my God this hot guy is actually talking to me, calm down Em calm down, she said to herself. "Thanks that would be gre-" but before she could finish a big sound came from behind them all of the sudden a tree fell, Scott try to get her out of the way in time but it was too late. The tree fell making her leg get stuck under it, she screamed out in pain. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" All of the sudden she sees two figures above her. They kneel next to her, "Emily" the boy said. "S-stiles-s" she said as her vision started to get blurry. "Your going to be okay" both boys said. She tried to say something but darkness engulfed her.

I know this was a short chapter but it kinda was the introduction it will get go soon!

So I have never write a book before I hope you like it please comment and give me feed back.

One question: should it be a stiles love story, Derek love story, or Scott love story I am leaning toward Derek but u guys tell me. Please like and follow me on Instagram hailey_spellman

Sorry it was a short chapter but I like the suspense. If you really want me to update soon please let me know and I will try my hardest to update

Thanks , Teenwolf_runner.

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