Fox Demon

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Chapter 1: A Change

I jump through the trees with my squad. We are running a patrol of the parameter of the village. In the fight against the Akatsuki Naruto died allowing Kyuubi to escape from the seal on his body. The seal broke and now Kyuubi can roam the lands and cause much damage. The village needs a lot of protection now that he is free once again because now he may be after revenge. Instead of the Jonin that normally ran the parameter patrols it is now ANBU who patrol this close and far from the village.

"Kitsune-sama, our shift is finished we should head back to the village," says Hawk with a bit of tiredness in her voice.

My squad and I had been running this patrol for the last thirty hours and now are about the time for us to switch out patrols. Many ninja had been killed in the fight against the Akatsuki so we are short on members meaning longer patrols with even fewer people in the squads. We ANBU are spread very thin right now with little or no help from the lower ranks. Some of the Jonin have been sent out to help us but most of them have been helping out inside the village and trying to teach the younger ninjas so we have to make do with what we have.

"You all head back to the village but I am going to stay here. I have a bad feeling about this night," I reply staring out into the night.

"Tsunade-sama will not be pleased with you staying out here," Dog says in a slightly bored voice.

"She knows how I am with these feelings. I cannot and will not ignore them for they never lead me wrong. Now leave and get some rest. I am used to these long hours and little sleep so go now," I remind them in a serious and commanding voice when it seems they will argue with me again.

Dog and Hawk head back to the village to get some rest before they have to be back out here on patrol early in the evening. I stand in my spot as this is the place that the feeling is the worse. The next patrol passes by me two times before I sense the aura that we have been dreading for the past weeks as we waited for him to come after the village for revenge. A feeling of worry for the village passes through my veins but I do not allow it to show on my face or in my body posture. I stand perfectly still not wanting to miss anything because my attention was diverted. I can tell that he is moving fast enough to cover the distance between us in about twenty seconds.

It only takes him a few moments to reach where I am. I look down at him from my spot high in the trees. He is in one of his smaller forms instead of his usually large form. I send out the whistle call used by patrol members to summon the rest of their squad as he pauses beneath me. He stops in his tracks before looking up at me and growling loudly. I could clearly see his red-orange fur even from this height along with his nine tails.

"One of you actually dares to wear the mask carrying my name sake," Kyuubi growls up at me.

"In remembrance of a fallen comrade and to represent my nature well at least my cunningness from dealing with that comrade," I reply as I jump down closer to him hoping the ANBU squad arrives soon.

"So you knew my old host did you," demands Kyuubi.

"I was a close friend you could say," I answer as I hear the swift approach of the ANBU squad. "What is it that you want Kyuubi? If you wanted revenge, you would have killed me already."

"I still wish revenge but I will negotiate the terms of my revenge with the Hokage. I will deal with her and only her," he tells me.

"Very well, I shall see if the Hokage will come out here to meet you. Inviting you to the village is just asking for you to do something. Is it not, Kyuubi-sama," I ask as the squad arrives just behind me and farther up in the tree.

"Kitsune-sama, your orders," asks the captain of the squad. 

"Weasel, take your squad back to the village and tell the Hokage that I request her and her secretary’s presence here," I command as the ANBU head captain.

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