Chapter Two: "A Richness Day of No Success"

Start from the beginning


Once Ash managed to walked out of the palace without someone following Him, which was a big relief to Ash, He may be the prince, might be one of the most custest and handsomest young boys in the palace, He may have a lot of fan girls and was getting a lot of letters from a lot of princesses wanted to marry Him, Sometimes Ash wished that He wasn't a prince.

He climb over the big brick wall barrier and started to walk in the forest, as He heard the sound of nature, of birds chirping, hearing other animals noises and The howling of the wind, Ash truly did loved nature.

As He was walking through The Snowy woods, with snowflakes falling down softly and slowly, He looked up at the sky and then He leaned up against an big old Oak tree.

While watching the sky and daydream, out of the corner of His eye, He saw something before He could blink, something was thrown and hit the tree bark, Ash turn His attention towards it and saw that it was a dagger.

Ash was so closed to get hit by that dagger, Thankfully He moved His head slightly and The Dagger missed, Ash took a good look at The Dagger.

"A...dagger?" Ash Asked Himself outloud, something caught the corner of His eye again, He turn around and saw a young boy, purple hair, icy grey eyes, with a tan skin.

"D-Did You try to hit Me with that dagger?" Ash Asked.

"What the hell are You going here, rich boy?" Paul Asked.

"I'm just going on a walk, I don't mean to cause any trouble" Ash Said.

"Don't You wanna walk where You're from? The other side of Your territory" Paul Said.

"What's wrong with Me walking in this forest?" Ash Asked.

"Did You just really Asked Me that question? How pathetic and stupid, Can't believe that You're this obviously" Paul Said.

"What's wrong with You?" Ash Asked.

That triggered Paul...Ash shouldn't have said that...

"What's wrong with Me? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Paul Yelled and before anyone or Ash could blink, Paul pinned Ash to The Tree, Paul's gripped was very tight, it was managed to make Ash flinch at the pain.

"You're on Outsider's territory! Rich people like You shouldn't be here! Run little lost boy! Back where You came from, there is no royal status here, it's life or death!" Paul growled and pulled out His dagger and point the tip of the blade at Ash's neck.

Ash stayed Frozen.

"You see this? You see what kind of situation that You're in? I'm letting You have a chance here, Run little lost boy and go back to Your fancy little brats that You has as friends!" Paul Growled again but than–

"Paul?" A familiar voice called out, Paul turn His attention to His adopted brother, Sam.

Sam ran over but than stopped Once He saw Paul pinned Ash to the tree.

"Paul! Let Him go!" Sam Yelled.

"He is a rich kid, Sam, I need to teach Him a lesson for trespassing on Our territory" Paul Said.

"Paul, You know this is wrong and what would Reggie say about this? Plus, It's The Kid's birthday, don't ruin this now!" Sam Said.

Paul growled then looked at Ash.

"Paul, Let. Him. Go!" Sam Yelled and Paul let go of Ash and put His dagger away.

"Get out of here, rich boy, You have no business in My territory" Paul Said, He leaned up against the tree, with His arms crossed with an unassuming expression on His face.

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