~Chapter Two~

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You crawl forward slightly to get a better look at her. You're biggest mistake ever...

The awe that fills your mind as you look up at her distracts you from the fact that she can see you. Her tall frame casts a strong shadow over you, the wide brimmed hat she wears acting as a sort of umbrella against the warm light of the chandelier. Leather gloves encase her elegant hands, slightly shining with the light. Her eyes almost glow a golden hue under her hat whilst her crimson stained lips curl into an unknowing smile. She raises a perfectly plucked brow at you as you stare, lowering her eyes to your pocket.

The little crested bracelet Janet had given you peeks out, sparking curiosity of her own. "Where..? Where did you get that bracelet little one..?" You stay silent. "Well?!" She demands, her voice laced with a harsh tone. "M-my friend gave it to me...she got it from the village market.." "You mean she stole it?" The countess looks down at you, a hostile glint in her honeycomb eyes. Before you can say anything, she grabs the bracelet from your pocket and holds it up to the light, letting it shine. The Dimitrescu crest gleams with the candlelight.

She then suddenly grabs you, slamming you to the wall as she curls her lip, almost like she was snarling at you. Golden irises lock onto your E/C eyes, fury burning behind them as she exhales angrily. Terror filling your mind and soul as her terrifying strength cuts off your airways. Her nostrils flare like that of an angry dragon as her once steady heartbeat increases with pure anger. The cold leather of her gloves burns against your hot, sweaty skin as she restricts your breathing.

Pure threat fills her eyes as her gaze pierces through you, the incredible amount of rage surging through the matriarch's veins.

"How DARE you trespass on my property you filthy little rat!!" She spits, her elegant voice laced with anger. All colour drains from your face as her killer tone and power sinks into your mind, her words burning into your ears as tears prick at your eyes. You squirm and wriggle in terror, trying hard to so much as cough up a basic 'I'm sorry', and failing dismally. A slight whimper rises in your throat as you struggle, your tears running down your face and your chest heaving for air.

The lady slowly regains her composure, noticing the tears of pure fear streaming down your pale cheeks and your little shaking body. "Awh how pathetic, the little thief is scared!!" She laughs, tightening her hold on your petite frame and unsheathing those deadly blades from her fingertips. You gasp in pure terror, praying to Mother Miranda to save you.

You prayed in vain.

She laughs a cold and cruel laugh, holding a singular black blade-like talon to your throat. All the breath that you'd sucked into your lungs hitches in pure shock as the razor sharp claw hovers just over your pulse point. "P-please!" You whimper, only making her press her claws harder against your neck. She laughs and mutters something in her mother tongue, slowly dragging her deadly sword-like nails against your skin, drawing blood.

You squeak with the pain of your situation, counting down in your head just how many seconds it took for the gash to form. "Looks like I've made a mess of your collar little rat!" She interrupts your thoughts, her strong yet controlled voice hitting your ears hard enough for you to flinch.

"What? Is that all you have to say for yourself little thief?!"
You remain silent, giving up. "Answer me..!" She demands, pushing harder against your throat with terrifying strength. "Y-yes! I'm s-sorry..!" You squeak, fear swallowing your confidence like a whale shark to a shrimp. You suck in a deep breath and wait, waiting for the cruel hold of death to take you away from this world forever.

Lady Dimitrescu, clearly irritated at your sudden lack of fear, releases you. She allows your body to fall to the floor, a dark giggle simmering in her throat as you wince with pain. "Those little arms and legs, I pity you..." she mutters, her stiletto heel kicking hard into your gut and sending you flying across the room. The pain sends you into spirals of shock, stars dancing in your vision.

You try to stand with the bit of strength you have left, failing dismally as the giantess approaches you once more, her crimson stained lips curling into a cruel smirk.
"You truly are pathetic dear..." she coos.
"P-please-!" She cuts you off, lifting you into the air by your throat and carrying you, like a rat, to what seems like a dungeon.

You're thrown into a dank, blood crusted cell with an ounce of the lady's strength. Her golden eyes almost glow in the dim light as she laughs. Laughing at you. The steel bars that separate the two of you are rusty, coated in what also looks like blood. Looking around cautiously, you just about make out the worn shackles that hang on the wall. The sour smell of decay hits you like a frying pan, making you gag.

"What's wrong? Don't you like your new home dear?" She taunts.
"Oh it's lovely..." you sneer, spitting at her feet.
A look of pure disgust graces her beautiful features as her eyes pierce your gaze. "Ugh...filthy peasant...". With that, she turns on her heel and leaves you alone, in the cold, reeking, dark.

Hours pass, or maybe days, or maybe even weeks. You can't tell how long you've been down here. The one thing you do know however, it's that you're desperate for warmth, for food and water and to bathe. Occasionally you'd hear the sound of heels, your hopes would raise, only for them to fade away as soon as they come. Passing time was difficult, you couldn't sleep or see. Your stomach would growl with hunger every now and again, marking the passing time in some twisted way.  

Once again the sound of heels dances down to your ears, expecting them to fade, they don't. You hear the sound of a padlock being removed from the heavy steel door and your heart thumps with anticipation.

Lady Dimitrescu ducks through the doorway, a tray of food and water in her gloved hand, and places it before you. You look up at her, catching her terrifying glare and instantly crumpling. "Eat" is the only word you hear before passing out on the cold stone floor.

The sound of your beloved mother calling you allows you to stir, opening your eyes to be back home. Your dark green bedding is tucked around you and your favourite plush, Matcha the dragon, is in your arms. A smile graces your face as you nuzzle into your childhood stuffed animal's fluffy texture, allowing you to relax. You sigh happily, thinking you'd just woken up. "What a nightmare THAT was!" you exclaim. "Y/N get up! We're going to be late you know!" Your mother pounds on the door, almost instantly waking you up. "Alright alright, keep your hair on mother.." you mutter, smiling to yourself as you get up and make your bed. You open the door and give your mother a quick hug before heading into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
"Y/n wake up!!"
"Wake up!!"

"Wake up for Miranda's sake!"
Lady Dimitrescu shakes you awake, away from your mother and Matcha, away from the comfort of your home. You blink in confusion. "Oh, welcome back!" You look around in shock of your change in location. "Where am I?!" You murmur, rubbing your head. The lady rolls her eyes. "Oh so no 'thank you for getting me out of that dungeon my lady'?! Seriously?!!" She grumbles, sitting at what you assume is her vanity as she lights a cigarette and puts it in her fancy cigarette holder. "You're in my chambers, touch anything and I'll slice those thieving little hands off, understood?!" You nod, swallowing your fear down.

The countess let's out a long and irritated sigh, the smoke of her cigarette going with it as she looks at you. You lower your gaze to the blankets you're bundled in. The warmth of the furry blankets swallows you whole and almost lulls you back to sleep. Her eyes wander your frail little body, pity overtaking them.
"I'm sorry for harming you, little mouse.." she purrs. You look at her through the mirror, still quite terrified, and nod. "I-It's ok..." you mumble hazily. The lady walks toward where you're lay down, placing a hand on your cheek. You flinch at first, but you allow her to remain there.
"Sleep little one...you need it~"

With that, you slip into a deep slumber, following her voice into your dreams.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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