Shivas request

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After pacing around in his room for a few hours Shiva stepped outside the room and headed towards the aangan. As soon as he stepped out his family bombarded with questions.

"Is Raavi Okay?"

"What Happened"

"You guys need to sort our your issues"

Shiva felt frustrated, He just wanted a drink of water. He had no energy and patience to deal with his family.

"Guys Enough, Please, I need a few moments of peace so I can sort this out. Please let me handle this alone this time. Last time everyone decided to intervene and it only made our situation much much worse. Look, Raavi is just very upset with everything and I cant see her like this. I see her after years and she is broken because of our past. It is my duty to fix us now.Raaivi will only wake up in the morning and I have to face her. I need to fix everything."

Dhara then replied, " She is not just your responsibility, She is all of our responsibility. You will only fight with her. Let me handle this. I will explain it to her, she can never say no to her Dhara Di."

Shiva got frustrated and said, "Bhabai please last time you decided to help us meet you only increased our misunderstandings and tensions. Let me sort out the issues with my wife. She is still my wife bhabi and I want to fight for our love. I want us to find our way back to each other. So please do not interfere like every time."

Gaumbi then defended Dhara, " Shiva is this how you talk to your bhabi, she is trying to help you"
"Gaumbi I am just doing right now what's best for my wife and I. I have already hurt her enough and now I have to fix this. She is already hurt at my inability to fight for us. If bhaabi gets involved it will only hurt her more, trust me.

"It's okay gaumbi" dhara dramatically said. If shiva thinks that I will cause more problems then I will stay put.
Oh god why does bhabi have to be so dramatic. Why is she making this about her, shiva thought. Right now it's about Raavi.
Shiva sighed and said: "bhaabi I am not saying just you, I am trying to say that this is a husband and wife matter. She already said that she was hurt at my inability to take a stand and fight for her. This is my chance, perhaps my last one to prove to her that I love her unconditionally. Please try to understand"
Suman was thinking: finally he removed her from making all the decisions. I like it. Raavi is much much better than this dhara.
"Ayyy bhagodi ki beti stop your meddling, let shiva handle  mark.... Sorry Raavi."
Ji ma, dhara said with a said face.
Shiva went to pandya store because that is where he could think best. He had to show her what she is to him.
Hey guys! Here is another update!!
Finally shiva taking a stand! Here is some progression:)
See you in the next update.
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Lots of love

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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