"Anyway, once the boats landed on different planets, monstressor was probably one of 'em" she acknowledged.
Jim nodded, he remembered he and his mum helping out, handing food and blankets she had knitted to survivors. "I was on proteas one"

"I was on my own for a while and I did... some things that I'm not proud of but then-"

"What things?" Jim cut her off, he sounded genuine, not like he wasn't going to judge what her answer could be.

Y/N laughed, looking into the space nervously. "You won't judge me right"

"Whatever you did, I've probably done worse" Jim smiled encouragingly, nudging her with his arm softly.
Y/M smiled back comfortably.

"...I stole Food... and money" Y/N replied with a cringed smile.

"That's it?" Jim waved off, causing Y/N to chuckle. "That's nothing"

"There's more, I've accidentally burnt a building down."

Jim was a little taken aback but then waved it off, "so? We've all done something like that at some point"

Y/N cocked her brow. "Really? So which building have you destroyed?"

When Jim didn't reply, Y/N only laughed.
"Anyway, I ended up meeting Silver in front of a bar, I was planning to steal stuff from the drunken men but then this pira-silver, saw me and I don't know, I guess he felt bad? He ended up letting me go with him, he tried helping me find my family, taking me to all sorts of planets where people were taken to, but I couldn't ever find them."

"So after all that, Silver just let me stay with him. I guess he thought I was pretty handy, I used to break all my toys and fix them again so I had learnt how to make little gadgets and fix different kinds of motors, so it all worked I guess" Y/N shrugged.

Jim felt so much pity for the girl, she had been separated from her family at such a young age but was still able to live like nothing happened.

Y/N wondered if Jim would still think of her differently I'd he found out that she still owes those things.

"So, what I'm trying to say is that bad things happen, but that doesn't mean you can't move forward from it. I have, and I'm happier than ever, so you can to"

Jim thought for a moment before smiling. "Thanks Y/N, sorry about.. all that though, it must've been tough"

"It was, but I've accepted it" Y/N smiled, turning to face Jim again. "And please please please don't feel sorry for me. Travelling the galaxy is all I ever wanted and I'm living that dream. I'm really happy with my life."
Jim softly smiled as well, turning back to the sky. The two just enjoyed enjoyed each other's company.

Y/N needed to speak, she didn't want her mini horror story to be stuck in their minds right before they tried to sleep.

"Anyway" Y/N grinned loudly to change the topic. "You must be excited about the treasure, what are you planning to do with it?"

After a short pause and a small smile, Jim spoke.
"Well first, I'm gonna rebuild my mums Inn" Jim smiled excitedly as he thought about it.

Y/N face fell. She had forgotten she'd been there when it burnt down. Oops.

"Then, I'm gonna use the rest for the academy" he nodded brightly turning to face Y/N who smiled at him proudly.
"What about you?"

The question caught Y/N off guard. "I.. don't have any proper plans" she rubbed her neck embarrassedly towards Jim who smirked at her playfully. "There's this restaurant I've always to go to"

Double cross (Jim Hawkins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now