Chapter I. Riverlands

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I just, Nevermind" I give him a warm smile "Take care of yourself"

Jaime nods with a small smile


In the inn room, Jaime sits and sharps his sword and I search for a dress to wear. We are in the middle of a discussion trying to know each other "So you never know your mother"

I turn to him "Like I said Father abandoned us from her since birth, we don't know anything and he never talks about her"

"Well as you told me the story, there are two options, your mother is high placed or she is dead"

I sigh "Good options" There knock on the door "Come in"

Gwen gets in "Ser Jaime, Lady Lyanna" She tries taking her breath "Lady Arya is missing"

I stare at her "What?"

"They can't find her"

Jaime stands "Arya's trouble, I will command the soldiers to find her"

"I'm coming with you" I follow him outside.


Outside the inn, I stand with Jaime and one of the Lannister soldiers and Jaime commanded them "You find the girl directly send her to Eddard Stark"

Solider nods "Yes, Ser" He left with the soldiers' group he commanded.

I pace around "Where the hell did she go" Jaime looks at me sadly "We know nothing here?"

Jaime holds my shoulders "Lyanna, Don't panic, she will be fine" he hugs me "They will find her"

I nod worried hugging him back.


It's nighttime, Arya is still hiding in the forest. Ned, I, and his men are personally looking for her. I call out "Arya? Nymeria?"

Ned calls out for her "Arya? Arya? ARYA!"

Baelor and Jory ride up. Jory says "My Lord! My Lord! They found her. She's unharmed"

Bash says "She was down by the river bank, Lord Stark"

I ask "Where is she?"

Jory says "She's been taken directly before the King"

Ned asks "Who took her?"

Bash says "The Lannisters found her"

I say "Jaime send these men, Thank Gods"

Ned says "Right, get back"

Jory says "The Queen ordered them to bring her straight to him"

I say "Jaime told them to send her to Lord Stark directly"

Ned stares at me and turns to his men "Back! Back to the inn! All back!"


Ned and I are returning to the inn. Arya is standing in front of Robert, Cersei, and Joffery, whose hand is now wrapped in gauze. Jaime is standing next to Arya.

I run to her "Arya you scared the hell out of me" I hug her "Gods you're good"

Jamie puts his hand on my shoulder assuring me "She is fine"

Arya look at us scared "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

I stand looking at him, Jaime gives me a look to look at his sister, I look she looked so pissed

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