Chapter One

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"That's it, the final box!" Yeji exclaims, pulling out a box from the white mini van parked in front of the house.

The five girls were so excited to finally move into their own house as roommates. They had been eagerly waiting for this day for months and now it's finally here.

Lia exclaims, "I'm so glad we're finally out of those university dorms!"

"Yeah I couldn't spend one more day in there." Chaeryeong declares.

Let's go, guys! I'm itching to get inside!" Yuna beams with excitement as she sprints towards the front porch of the Suburban styled house.

The other girls follow the youngest up to the house as Yeji unlocks the front door.

When the door opened, an uncanny chill ran through all the girls, giving them goosebumps.

Ryujin shivers slightly, rubbing her hands together in an attempt to warm up. "It feels a bit cold in here."

Looking around the house, Chaeryeong wonders, "Is there a thermostat nearby?"

"Found it!" She says.

She turned the temperature up to get a little more warmth in the house.

"Should we explore the house?" Yeji suggests.

The others nodded in agreement and head off into different directions around the house to explore.

Lia and Ryujin explored the upstairs while Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryeong checked out the downstairs.

Lia exclaims, "There's a room with five beds, perfect!"

"I want the bed by the window!" Ryujin exclaims happily as she rushes to claim her bed.

"I wanted that one!" Lia frowns. "You should have been faster." Ryujin grins.

Yuna exclaims, "Wow, this bedroom is incredibly cozy!" as the other girls enter the room.

Yeji chimes in, "Yeah, we've explored the rest of the house, and I must say, I'm really liking it so far." She glances around the room with a smile.

"Let's begin unpacking and getting settled," Chaeryeong suggests.

"Sure, sounds good," Lia responds with a smile.

A Few Hours Later

The five girls had a busy day unboxing their stuff and getting comfortable in their new place. They were having a great time together until they suddenly noticed a drop in temperature.

"Hey, am I the only one feeling chilly all of a sudden?" Yuna asked, feeling a bit anxious.

"Yeah...did someone mess with the thermostat?" Yeji shoots a sharp look at the girls.

"I don't think anyone has touched it since Chaeryeong adjusted it." Ryujin responds, heading towards the spot where the thermostat was placed.

"That's strange," Ryujin mutters.

"What?" Yeji asks.

"Someone must have lowered the temperature." Ryujin states.

"Well, if it wasn't us who adjusted the thermostat, then who did?" Lia questions.

After a brief moment of silence, everyone flinched at the dramatic gasp from Yuna.

"What if the house is haunted??!" Yuna exclaims.

Chaeryeong scoffs, "Come on, Yuna, don't be ridiculous! This place is definitely not haunted."

"Chaeryeong is right Yuna, the thermostat is probably broken and the temperature turned down by itself." Ryujin says.

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