Kyan Wolf

10 0 0

Son of The Australian Werewolf

Pet: A Jackalope named Hopscotch. Chasing him around is great exercise, but sometimes I wish he would just sit still.


Killer Style: I'm a rough and tough kind of wolf and need a getup that can hold up so naturally it's got to be denim. I've got to have style, even when I'm dusting the dirt off.

Freaky Flaw: I can be pretty hot headed sometimes and have been known to rush into things without thinking. Messing with my friends
is a no go!

Favorite Color:Dusty Brown

BFF's:Manny Taur Jr. & Kjersti Goblingson

Favorite Food:S'mores fresh from an open fire

Favorite Subject: Physical Deaducation. What can I say I love to test my strength and barrel through obstacles.

Least Favorite Subject:Mad Science. All the different chemicals confuses me.

Favorite Activity: I love camping; there is nothing better than sitting around a fire making s'mores and telling ghost stories!

Pet Peeve: I can't stand neat freaks, I like my
organized chaos!

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