Chapter 7: The Past And Future

Start from the beginning

"Wait a moment... you don't mean Clara O'Dae?!" Evie asks shocked.

"The very same, although the surname is mainly for hiding purposes. Olivia didn't want her child to have her husband's name, so she wears the Scott name officially. I hope you don't think we neglect her, Evie. We give her anything she wants, but she is fiercely independent. Clara wants to take care of herself and help us in her own way. We respect her wishes, but we did ask that she regularly comes by. And we keep an eye on her too."

"I am a bit gobsmacked, Sarah... I like to ask one more question. Why me?"

"Oh, that's an easy one to answer. I am quite open in my opinion, Evie. You are very pretty. I mean, beautiful blue eyes, a face that I can look at for hours without getting bored. Not to mention that you have a mind I can love. I like your inquisitive nature in combination with your good heart. What is there not to love, dear Evie."

"Thank you..." Evie peeps out.

"Evie, I hope I am not pushing you... Well, I am, now that I think about it. I will hold myself back if that is what you wish. Think about what I have said and take it one step at a time. There is no need to rush. How about something to eat? It may help you think things through. I am not as good as Olivia, but I can certainly make something passable," Sarah says comfortingly.

"That's okay, I think I need some sleep if I am honest. My mind needs some rest to process everything I have heard," Evie says. "Of course, the guest room should be ready for use. Let me know if you need anything. Sleep well, Evie."

"Sleep well," Evie says as she trudged her way up the stairs.

Sarah chuckles as she sees the red face of Evie and is lost in her thoughts. If she didn't know any better, she was nearing her mental capacity to absorb new information. Sarah enjoyed Evie's expression and her attempts to hide the blushes.

After a half hour, she went to her own room to get some sleep. Olivia should be fine with Jacob. She does make a mental note to check up on Clara. Even if Clara likes her independence, her aunt misses the little troublemaker. Never mind, Olivia. She always misses the girl.

"He may have been a pirate, but he was an excellent leader of the Assassins. His notes are not very relevant, unfortunately. It is fascinating to see how he led the Brotherhood though," Sarah says as she read through the loose papers. The next day both women were going through the many notes and few notebooks. Everything was put on the dining table that was in the chest.

Evie didn't want to talk about the conversation they had yesterday evening. It was clear she needed time to think things through and Sarah would give her all the time she needed. This time she wanted things to work out. Unlike the affair, she had in Italy where she was left in the wind. Sarah saw it as a valuable lesson, just like the many other lessons she received from the other Brotherhood branches.

Evie was eager to go through the notes and notebooks. The moment she was awake she was already tempted to go straight to the chest, rip the lid open and sprawl everything out and read anything and everything. Sarah was almost laughing at Evie during breakfast. It was the only restraint Evie had, not embarrassing herself in front of Sarah.

"This notebook is it. Here, it talks about the Piece of Eden," Evie says and shows the pages to Sarah. "Can you see it? The directions?"

Sarah nodded as she saw the shimmering hidden message through the use of Eagle Vision. It was directions to the Kenway Mansion. The place she and Olivia wanted to get back from the Templars. It was wrongfully taken from their family. They wish to get it back, but they need evidence of some kind of 'crime'. Abberline could do something to help if he had the necessary evidence.

The opportunity never showed and the Scott sisters had hardly anything to work with. Therefore they decided to increase their influence first. Earn a reputation and funds to increase their opportunities. As they were about to think of a plan to take the manor, the Frye twins showed up. A blessing in disguise, the sisters thought.

"The Kenway Mansion. It won't be easy to get inside. Lucy Thorne made it her personal base of operations. A heavy presence of Blighters and Templars are present in and around the building," Sarah explains.

"That won't be a problem. We can get inside and find what we're looking for without them ever knowing," Evie says with confidence.

"Of course, I am sure we can find a way inside. There is something else. If we can plant various illegal substances in the building, we can make it look like the building was used for distribution. Abberline can remove ownership and Olivia and I can buy the manor back."

"That is an excellent idea. Jacob can probably obtain- back? What do you mean 'buy it back'?" Evie asks.

"Oh, you never figured it out? I am the granddaughter of Elizabeth Scott. The daughter of Edward Kenway. I grew up in the mansion. After my mother was murdered, the Templars swept in and took it over. It was the reason why Olivia and I went to France and Italy to complete our training," Sarah explained.

"They murdered your mother... I am so sorry, Sarah. That's awful," Evie says as she scoots closer to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"We had time to grieve. At least we managed to give her a proper burial. It helped us say goodbye. But thank you, Evie. I appreciate the words."

"Then let's get your home back shall we?" Evie says with a smile.

"Yes. Let's."

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