Should I Tell Him?

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Clyde P.O.V.
Shoot, should I really tell him?
What if he'll freak out too much... and, and... never talk to me again!!
"Yeah if that happens... He'll never talk to me again!"
I accidentally screamed the whole thing.
"I'm sure he won't do that."
Token said to me, smirking.
He probably heard me.
"Y-you think so?"
I asked him worridly
"Yeah, you know he's not the type of person to do something like that"
He spoke making me calm down a bit.
And he's right, Tweek is a nice and kind person, he would never try to take down requests rudley.
"Oh, Hey Craig."
I replied as he walked towards us.
I noticed something though... where's Tweek?
"Hey... uh Where's Tweek?"
I asked him.
"He's coming in late actually."
We weren't in school, 'cause it ended in like two weeks ago.
The school was burnt by some freaks and the school collapsed.
So basically we were just standing on the sidewalk, doing nothing.
I guess Tweek is busy at the coffee shop.
"Wanna go to Tweak Bros?"
Craig asked us.
Me and Token nodded and went to the coffee shop.
The second I opened the door, the smell of coffee filled the whole shop.
I heard coffee beans being grinded and being mixed into some other ingredients after.
I can smell so much, like vanilla, hazelnut, mocha, cappuccino and cream.
The smell was so good that I felt like ordering.
"A-ack!! W-what are you g-guys doing here?"
Tweek noticed and walked to us holding a cup of espresso.
"We couldn't wait, actually, and decided we'll spend our time here until your shift ends.
Token stated.
"O-oh okay then. W-would you like to order anything?"
We told him our orders and Tweek left our table and got busy with our orders.
I ordered Hazelnut, Craig ordered Mocha and for Token, well Cappuccino.
It took, I guess 15 minutes before he came back with our coffee.
We thanked him and he left us for a minute.
Token tried to tell me something and I knew what he was about to say, so I cut him off.
"No, Not yet.
He shrugged and drank his coffee.
From what I heard his cousin is coming to visit him over the week.
So that means, that I don't have a freakin' chance.
Dagnabbit!! I can never have a chance.
I think Token read my mind, because he said something to me.
"Probably, because you always back out when you really need to tell something to someone, and that someone is-"
"Don't fudging say it."
I cut him off again.
Craig stared at us, really confused.
We just smirked like nothing happened so he could take his mind off what he heard.
And It actually worked.
We finished our drinks and Tweek came over to pick them up.
He looks so cute in that apron, I can't stop staring.
He noticed me and I looked away blushing, red as a tomato.
His shift finished in like, 4:30 pm, two hours after we came.
He took off his apron and went outside with us.
You might think I'll tell? No way in hell. I'm not ready yet. You and I just have to wait for the right time.

Untold FeelingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora