Secret Love ~ Tobin Heath

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(Tobin Heath X England Player! OC)

It was our third match after the Euro's win this summer and as an Arsenal Women's player our season was off to a pretty good start.

But now with our first international break since the return of Women's Football after the Euro's this summer which was ever growing I had my own things happen over the summer.

I had gotten married over the summer in secret. I mean this relationship was so secretive that no one even knew we were dating let alone engaged until this summer when I got to marry the love of my life.

I mean Tobin Powell Heath the amazing American Football Legend had been the only person I have ever loved more than family.

We have been together since 2015, before she asked me to marry her during the Lock down, why she would ever do that I have no idea personally. As she stayed with me over in England even if she was signed to Manchester United.

But me, life, has been a mix for me, growing up in an abusive household, I struggled with being myself, until I met my family in my fellow players at Arsenal and in England.

But with me also now being married to Toby, this meant that I held a dilemma over the coming US game held at Wembley.

Toby since our wedding had a surgery so she wasn't even in England for the game of our two countries against each other. But I knew nothing would stop her from watching it.


So here I was sat in the changing room getting ready for this game against the USA, and we had to be confident without our Skipper Leah here by our side.

But I had two names to choose between. My birth name Bagg, or my new surname Heath.

I had two shirts in front of me, and I knew that all of my England girls knew about my marriage.

"Which one you gonna wear?" I heard Alex Greenwood ask me as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"I don't know." I told the girl as I held onto my wedding ring and engagement ring which were looped onto a necklace, where they stayed during games, and public outings.

"Well, you gotta decide quick, we're going out in ten." Rachel Daly asked me as she took her seat next to me, my lucky number ten Bagg jersey in her hands as my new Heath jersey was in my hands.

"What do you want to do?" Chloe asked me as she joined us blonde girls in the corner of the room, she had jokingly taken on the job of flower girl at the wedding, and had made the best tit of herself doing it.

"I wish I could wear both, but at the same time I wanna show people my wife, I wanna show her off and not have to hide anything." I told the girls as I moved my hands up to cover my face while Chloe moved my hands after a few seconds, and she refused to let my fingers run through my very blonde hair.

"Then wear both." Ella joined in our conversation, as she left Jess for a bit.

"What do you mean wear both?" I asked Ella now my brows furrowed in question of her words.

"Wear the two jerseys and if you score, or when we win, you take it off, you show off both tops." Ella told me and a small smile grew on our lips as Ella gave this idea to us.

"Ella!" Rachel just shouted.

"What? What did I do?" Ella asked like she made a mistake but our smiles grew.

And Alex just told Ella. "No, that was the perfect idea! Now we've just got to get you to score and strip off!" Alex turned and added to me as I loudly laughed.

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