Illness And a break-in

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You didn't feel good. You felt sick, and nauseous, plus your vision was very blurry, and you could barely walk. Faker, X, and Luther took notice of this immediately. The trio was getting concerned the more this happened. Uhm, Y/N?" Faker said, getting you attention. He then sat next to you with a concerned stare. "Is everything okay?..You've been very uhm...You've been stumbling all over the place." You then got up and said "Buddy, I'm fine!" With a weak smile. ((You been bumping into everything, getting hurt a lot as well-)). You coughed a bit, making them flinch a little. Faker felt your head, but you flinched, wincing in pain.
He decided to pull your hair gently away from the spot, to see a bruise in the middle of your forehead. They a fell silent, getting more concerned as the silence felt heavier, and heavier. "I uh..I uhm.." You stuttered. You tried to find a good excuse for why there is a whole bruise on your head. Yeah. Well guess what? You couldn't find one. Not at least one to cover yourself. You got up and ran, but Luther was a little smarter and faster, and grabbed your wrist. "Where are you going?." He said with a stern voice.
You were silent, freaking out mentally on what to say. Luther pulled you closer to him, and startled you completely. Your ears folded back immediately, and you looked down, terrified for dear life. You slowly but surely started to shake the more they stared, wondering what the matter is with you. That's when you started to shake violently, and your mind was so fuzzy and blurry, you could barely think straight. Your pupils went smaller and smaller. Fear went through your body. Then something hit you faster than a whole fucking train, and you randomly screamed in terror, and in tears, then sprinted out the room. They all looked at you confused, blinking more than once, and decided to follow you. They didn't know where you went, so they looked all around the house, but unfortunately, you were nowhere to be found. They all kept calling your name, but you never came out of..Well, wherever you were, you never came out of your hiding spot. They became worried. "Aw, where the FUCK are they?! They couldn't have gone that damn far, this house is small as hell!!" X said, looking around the house. "I dunno, but we need to find them, and fast." Luther said. "Okay, but like, where are they? And why did that even happen?" Faker asked walking to the living room. Both X and Luther followed him. "That's the thing, we don't know, but we're gonna need to ask them, after we find them and after they've calmed down." They all nodded and continued looking, and they even searched outside, checking the backyard, and the front yard.

You were in the bathroom, with the light off, rocking back and fourth continuously, while silently crying. Why did that happen?..Why did you run away like that? Those two questions filled your mind, but the real question is

'Was something or someone actually there?..' That main question stumped you. You saw something or someONE behind your friend, X, but you didn't have time to look at who or what it was, as you slowly went insane, and ran out before you could look closer at the figure. It freaked you out more the more you thought about it, but then felt a sharp pain on your eye, making you wince in pain. You held your eye, and realized it was just the scar you got. You continued to stay curled up in a corner, until you heard a knock on the door. Someone called your name, but it was a bit deep, but gentle, telling you to come out. You didn't answer or move, you just stared at the ground. They tried to open the door, only for them to realize the door was locked. You slowly freaked out. 'Who was at that door?' You thought. You had a bad feeling, but you wanted to get it over with...

You randomly teleported a gun.

No. More. Games.

Time to get real.

(My fucking FONTS KEEP TURNING OFF!! 😭😭 Also my dumbass decided to do this TODAY even though it was ready. The reason why I couldn't do it was cuz my ear was hurting and burning and my throat hurt, plus I was feeling moody and I decided...Not to..I'm sorry- But my ear is feeling better!! It's just my throat that's the problem now. Anyway, Just wanted to tell you about that yesterday..Anyway, Byeee!!!❤🧡💛💚💙💜))

((P.S, I got lazy of trying to fix the fonts, so basically I'mm uh..I'm gonna go back to this chapter and fix it once I get enough energy and motivation-))

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