" dusk of the day - ♦︎ "

134 4 19

Whooa i published 🤩
Sorry my chapters take so longgg i get stuck when trying to progress a story ://

Ruv looked at the ceiling, laying on his bed. Sarv had left at around 7 in the morning and it was almost midnight, he was starting to get worried.

Well, the last thing he wanted was to think about all the horrible things that could have happened, so he got up and opened his window.

Climbing out, he sat on the railing once more and sighed. As he breathed in, the scent of smoke touched his lungs. Though he hated the smell, he liked who it was coming from. "Whitty?" he asked.

"Oh, hey, Ruv." he smiled, looking at the railing below him. "you ask your roomie about the whole―"

"She's been drunk lately, so no." he spoke. "hm." Whitty huffed, inhaling from his cigarette. "Im all to familiar with stress drinking."

Ruv's expression changed. "stress drinking?"

"She's been drinking a lot more recently, right?" he asked. Ruv looked at his hands. He didn't want to hear himself say it.
"..Yeah." he finally spoke.
Whitty blew another hot breath of smoke. "It's okay man, I get how it feels."

"..Do you?" Ruv felt himself isolate in his mind. "I.. Can't explain or go into it. It still hurts a lot to think about." he uttered under the smokiness.

Ruvyzvat looked up.
"i'm sorry for whatever happened."

"It's fine man, it's just some stupid memory. Nothing you could've done about it." he heard Whitty's voice quiver a little. "Whatever, let's talk about something different. Where's this 'Sarv' I hear you talking about?"

Ruv shifted his gaze to the dark sky.
"Out." he muttered. "I really hope she isnt blowing whatever she has left on a bottle of whatever she's getting nowadays."

"You're close with her i'm guessing?"
"..I'd like to think so. But i'm beginning to think she wants to block me out along with all of her problems right now." Ruv exhaled.

He heard the breath of Whitty as he put out the cigarette and tossed it off of his part of the fire escape.
Ruv didn't realise it until it passed by his face a second or two later.

"Um.. I hope it's not weird or anything, but would you want me to― ahem― sit down there with ya? I mean to hear you better while we're chatting.." Whitty cleared his throat before quickly adding, "I won't smoke around you, i still kinda smell like it though.."

Ruv thought about the offer, he didn't know if he wanted the presence so close to him, he rather liked a disembodied voice sharing woes with him.

But then again, he would like to know what his full face looked like, maybe the bomb head thing was just his mind playing tricks on him...

"..Sure. Go for it." he shrugged.
after repositioning himself on the railing, Ruv turned his head to the figure stepping down the stairs.

His first thought blazed through his mind
TALL, his mind spoke for him.

He had to be taller―no, he WAS taller than Ruv himself.

Other thoughts flitted through his mind, too, such as the bomb head thing... How would his brain work if his string was set ablaz-
AH no, unimportant.

Ruv's look shifted from a neutral to a "well I wasn't expecting it but i remain unsuprised." expression.

"Nice to finally see the long awaited Ruv," Whitty began. "Har har.." he rolled his eyes. "What's Ruv short for anyways? Is it like.. Ruvatron??"

"it's not Ruvatron, no." he exhaled without smiling, like some sort of emotionless, unnaffected robot.

"Well, at least i've got confirmation it's short for something." he shrugged. "So? What is it?"

"..Ruvyzvat." he spoke.
"Ruv..y..zvat? Huh, neat name." he smiled. "Your name must be short for somthing too.. Right?"

"Well, it is.."
"I had to tell you mine, you tell me yours." Ruv stated.
"Fine, it's Whitmore." he murmured.

Ruv thought for a second.
"I like it."

"Y-you do?" The bomb seemed suprised, but quickpy waved it off. "I-I mean- I dunno, it's boring and sciencey, thats why I shortened it.. Plus it's kind of mid to say 'hey Whitmore!' or.. 'whats going on, Whitmore?'...yknow?"

"I'll keep calling you Whitty if you like it better, then.."
"I'll keep calling you Ruv... For the record, though, if your name was Ruvatron, I would've used it anytime I could've." he laughed.
"Keep wishing.." Ruv mumbled, closing his eyes. He didn't realise how tired he was, despite just sitting around all day and thinking about what he could be doing.

His eyes were heavy, but he just decided to push on, cuz like imagine needing sleep guys amiright

Ruv got off of the railings and sat next to Whitty. "Hey, Whitty?"

"You're.. nice to be around."
"oh, thanks.." he smiled. "..you're pretty nice to be around, too."
Ruv always wished he could smile like the people he was around.
Unfortunately, he was doomed to let those around him express his feelings, and so far, Sarv was the only one to even be close to getting those feelings correct.

But, so was Whitty, somehow.
Well, with understanding how he felt.
For now, though, he felt so drained.
Drained from the stress of, well, his current situation.
Finally giving into his demands, he sat in silence and let his body rest.

Next chapter in 2024 guys real!!! /j (hopefully)

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