God I hate Highschool

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Tianna woke up at 5:30 on the dot everyday of her life since her first day of grade 9. She got ready did a bit of makeup and wore this

although she was in 10th grade her body hadn't developed yet so no one really ever cared what she wore

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although she was in 10th grade her body hadn't developed yet so no one really ever cared what she wore. She went downstairs to her Chef making french toast and assorted fruit. She sat at the table with her family and started talking about their daily plans.
Tiannas Pov:
I was sitting down eating my breakfast listening to my family talk until it was my turn
Mom: So Tia What are you doing today lovely
Tianna: Well I do have two huge tests one science and the math but i'm prepared. then after i have cheer choreography, and last a nice southing 9 hour dance class. My day is easy today
Jace: god you are luck lovely
he said tapping my nose.
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At school
I walked in no one looked at me per-usual and i was happy with that. I walked up to my 2 friends and said hi. I walked to History and there he was JADEN WALTON.  ugh god i hate him. Idekw but he's started it. he sat next to me and the sheds that just came out of that young man's mouth shocked me to my core
Jadens Pov: I really like jaces sister i'm just a bit mean to her sometimes. I think i will shoot my shot in History today. I sat beside her and she gave me a not so nice look. Like god girl chill💀💀
Jaden: Hello Beautiful girl
Tianna: May you please say thst again
Jaden: Hello Beautiful girl
Tianna: Don't say thst again god i'm gonna vomit!!!
ouch that hurt who hurt this girl and should i kill him
Jaden: umm 12:03 meet me in the janitor's closets you have no choice.
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Tiannas pov:
I just decided to meet him. it was now 12:03 and i was about to walk in until the door opened and someone grabbed me.
Jaden: I have something really important to tell you.
I'm so scared right now i have liked jaden for most of my life but idk
Tianna: Go on i will be late for lunch and it will throw me off
Jaden: I really like you... Liks a lot
Tianna: is this a joke bc i actually really like you too but i don't want it to be a joke..
He started walking closer to me. i knew it was gonna be my fist kiss so i just walked closer. I fled his soft red lips touch mine. he pulled away and smiled. I smiled back. i think i'm bipolar saying i hated him earlier but that was just a cover up bc i really do like him
I giggled and said
Tianna: That was my first kiss
i wanted more i wasn't done it felt good maybe we could even try making out or no no no i'm going way to fast this wasn't my high school plan no no no
Jaden: Then i'm guessing it will be the fist of this.
he sat me on a couch and locked the door. it was a big closet like a storage room but with a couch. he pulled me on top of him and started kissing me. I kissed back and this was going on but slowly for a good 15 minutes. we were just talking about life getting lost in our tracks when i got a text message from my friend adam or as i should say "our" friend adam. he's jadens friend but they aren't that close. he texted me and said that i was late for the test and missed half of it i ran out of the room and started run nice never felt like this before so bad i-i i missed the test. oh no.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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