chapter one

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As Henry Karen Laurie and Allyson still on in the back of a truck heading towards the hospital As they hear firetrucks and police cars driving towards Laurie's Bruning house that Michael Myers is still in

Laurie / Henry :  (in unison) no! No! No!  Let him burn!   Let him burn!

As they arrived at Haddonfield hospital As Laurie passed out due to blood loss as nurses wheeled her in to operate as they treated Henry for his cuts and burns as Allyson and Karen were cleaning off  the blood of Michael's victims off of them

Later as Henry finds Allyson looking through the glass window of the autopsy room as they saw Dr. Sartain dead body in a bag with toe tag on as Henry approached the obviously traumatized girl

Henry: I'm sorry  you had to see any of that  I had no idea  Sartain was gonna do that

Allyson: it's okay  thank you  for helping me

Henry: and thank you  and your mother and grandmother for putting an end to Michael Myers 

As a officer came up to the two of them

Officer: Allyson   Dr. Loomis   hey can I speak to  the two of you   ask a few questions

Henry: of course

Allyson: sure

Cut to an empty room in the hospital As the officer asks  questions to Henry and Allyson about what happened hours ago

Allyson: I was always told that I couldn't   I couldn't talk about Michael
I could never  acknowledge  the tragedy
It was as if  my mother's biggest fear was my grandmother was right  and the boogeyman was real

Officer: well so how did Michael know
How did he know   how to find your grandmother

Allyson: he didn't

Henry: my colleague Dr. Sartain Michael's other doctor  he is the one that took him there  and  He knew where to go  and he's the one that brought them together again   it was his obsession  I should've noticed  how far it went before it was too late  if it wasn't for him  Michael wouldn't have found Laurie strode house  but  after all these years  Michael Myers is dead

Officer: you haven't heard

Henry: heard what

Officer: Michael Myers is alive

Henry/Allyson: what!

(As Allyson left the room furious knowing Michael Myers is still alive As her ex boyfriend  Cameron was following her with Henry right behind them  as Cameron told them that him his dad and Tommy Doyle are going to find Michael and kill him
as they met with Karen who also found out about Michael)

Allyson: mom

Karen: honey  I want you to go and sit in your grandmother's room and wait there until  she wakes up okay

Allyson: no

Cameron: no no no  she and Dr loomis are coming with us   we're joining Tommy Doyle

Karen: she what

Cameron: I don't know if you heard

Karen: the police officers should be on their way here right now

Cameron: Tommy's organizing groups
Groups of people that care  we're going after him  find Michael

Allyson: I'm going with them  we're gonna hunt him down and we're gonna put an end to this

Karen: no  he is on his way here  I keep telling them that   he is stalking her and we are staying here to protect her

Henry: he's not coming here   he's not stalking her  the only reason he showed up was because  of  Dr. Sartain he's the one who brought him there

Cameron: he's infected  your family  he's infected my family  with grief and fear for forty years   he's going to die tonight

Allyson: he killed dad

(As they saw a man on a hospital bed with a stab wound on his knee as they knew it was because of Michael)

Allyson: I'm not gonna pretend  this didn't happen   I love dad   somebody loves  whoever is laying under those sheets right now

Karen: look  look at me  we failed baby we set a trap  we set the whole thing on fire  and  he lived  through it   think about that   the police are out there looking for him   you think you're the one  that's gonna find him   sit in that room and wait with your grandmother

The end of chapter one let me know what you guys want in this story
Happy Halloween 🎃

halloween 2018 Trilogy Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon