Scanning me from head to toe he says, "Many reasons, Sienna, but I need a favor. A business one."

I take a seat in my desk chair, leaning back slightly with a raised brow. "You're a new client who already needs a favor?"

He takes the seat across from me and does his familiar leg cross, the serpent head poking freely out of the top of his shirt. I can't stop thinking about my tongue running all over it, but those thoughts quickly diminish when he says, "I need you to come to dinner with my family tomorrow night."

My eyes bug out of my head. "You what?"

"Relax, it's not anything romantic. I just need you to come and talk to my mother about your plans for the company. My brother Jett is in town, as you know, and he's going to try and convince her to sell tomorrow, but if I bring you..." He smiles broadly and leans forward so that his elbows are resting on his knees. "If I bring you then I know there's no shot in hell he'll convince her. Your ideas are fantastic, Sienna, and once my mother hears them she's going to think so, too. I know this is an odd request, but I'm begging you, here. Please."

Something about him begging makes me fidget in my seat. A flash of him on his knees in front of me piques my interest, a smile threatening to tug at the corners of my lips before I lift my eyes to his. "What will you give me if I say yes?"

I know it's wrong on so many professional levels. I know I'm being exactly how Reed is portraying us to be, but looking at Lincoln, at his muscular, burly body, I find myself not caring about any of it. Sex with him has become an addiction. I got a taste of it two days ago, and now I'm in withdrawal.

"Whatever that pretty little mouth of yours asks of me," he replies sternly, but his eyes never leave mine. The heat seems to rise in the room, tiny beads of sweat poking on my neck.

I tap one of the pens on my desk, staring off deep in thought. "Fine," I reply after about a minute or so, "what time is this dinner?"

"Seven. I'll pick you up at six."


"Okay," he replies, a sexy grin plastered on his face. "Are you going to tell me what you want in return?"

I trail my eyes down his neck, over that serpentine head, over the clouds, down the buttons of his dress shirt, and down to his crotch, which is already a pitched tent for me. It brings me so much satisfaction when I meet his eyes again, seeing the desperation bleeding off of him like he's just waiting for my command to tackle me right here on this desk.

"I think my request will come later," I say, continuing to tap my pen. "It'll be more beneficial for me to make you wait."

He arches a brow. "Is that so?"

"I know so," I reply firmly.

The air seems to be sucked out of the room, but then the door bursts open and Reed is inside, looking like a pouncing cat ready to catch a mouse. He glares between the two of us, slapping another folder onto my desk. "You forgot the financial reports. There were two folders."

I cock my head to the side, seeming to find the confidence I was lacking in the conference room. "And you couldn't have knocked?"

He was trying to catch me in the act with Lincoln. I know he was. I'm not quite sure what he planned to do with that information if he had caught us, but from now on, I'm going to lock my office door whenever Lincoln is in here. If Reed hadn't interrupted, I'm honestly not so sure what would have happened.

Lincoln grabs a random folder from my desk and holds it on his lap, flipping it open like he's reading when in reality he's just covering up his hard-on.

"Sorry," Reed mumbles, "I didn't realize Lincoln was still here."

Lincoln tilts his head up from his chair and narrows his eyes. "It's Mr. Nash," he says coldly. "I expect to be called that going forward..." He trails off like he's trying to remember his name, and I hold back a laugh.

"Reed," he hisses through gritted teeth. "My apologies, Mr. Nash."

Lincoln nods and then glances toward the door. "Now if you'll excuse us, Ms. Stone and I were in the middle of a conversation."

Reed clenches his hands up into fists at his sides, and for a second, I think he's going to debate with him, but knowing he'd probably lose his job if he did, he storms out of my office without another word. I don't understand why he cares when he is the one who broke up with me. He chose to date someone else after we split. He let me go, so why is he suddenly so interested in what I have going on with Lincoln?

"I am not looking forward to working on this AD campaign with him," Lincoln groans.

I tap the pen once more before I set it down and shrug. "It'll be over before you know it. Besides, he's more bark than bite."

"Do you still have feelings for him?" he asks.

Furrowing my eyebrows together in confusion, I try to analyze the expression on his face, but it's unreadable. He doesn't seem jealous, or upset, he just seems curious. "I think that's a question for people that are doing more than just fucking," I say, watching him shift in his seat. "It doesn't matter, does it?"

"No. Just curious."

I nod and gather the folders to center them in front of me, sending him a soft smile. "I hate to cut this short, but I should probably review these before I get my head chopped off by finance and Reed. I'll see you at six tomorrow?"

God, I agreed to meet his family. Not that it's a meet-the-family type of ordeal, it's strictly business, but still. I need to make a good impression on his mother for her to side with Lincoln and allow him to keep running the company. It's a lot of pressure, but it means a lot to know that Lincoln has faith in me that I'll do well.

Leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek, he brings his lips close to my ear to whisper, "Six o'clock sharp, Sienna. I won't be able to wait another minute longer."

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