Bennett, Venti [-] Permission for date night

Start from the beginning

"Oh please, and you are?" Kaeya scoffed.

"Anyway." Diluc continued. "I mean, I don't see anything wrong with them wanting to go on a date. He seems like a good kid."

Kaeya took a step forward and put his hands on his hips. "Yeah but... his reputation puts a bad omen on his head."

Bennett looked on the ground. He was right in a way. His bad luck was something he could never get rid of and it did affect his relationships with other people. Even if he tried to ignore it things never went in his favor.

"Don't be such a jerk." You crossed your arms. "You always have something negative to say about someone."

"I don't consider myself a jerk. I like to think of myself as cautious."

"No, you're a jerk." Diluc added.

"Captain Kaeya," Bennett said. "I know I'm not the best option for Y/N. But I swear I'll never let my luck be a burden to them! I'm an adventurer so I know this city and the forests like the back of my hand. I'll do my best to protect them at all times."

There was a long moment of silence and Bennett knew he said something wrong. "I'm so sorry! I-it's okay, we really don't have to go if it's an issue!"

Kaeya tossed his hair over his shoulder with a laugh. "Seems I've been outnumbered here." He raised his hands. "Fine, fine. I hope you and Bennett have a nice little date."

Bennett's eyes widened. "Wait– actually?"

Diluc cracked a smile. "I do as well. Go somewhere nice."

You smiled and threw your arms around both of them. "Thank you!" Kaeya gave you a pat on the head while Diluc embraced you back. Both of them were extremely awkward to hug...

You released them both and then went to hug Bennett who was standing there shocked. "Wow...I didn't screw it up!"

"Alright." You said when you slightly pulled back from him, "so where should we go?"


To be fair, you were definitely a lot more nervous for Venti than he was for himself. He was marching proudly in front of you while you still tried to convince him that he didn't have to do this.

"Venti, I'm an adult. You really don't have to ask them for their blessing."

"Nonsense my darling! Besides, is it not custom to meet the siblings of the one you are partners with?"

You shook your head. "Yeah, but you don't have to actually follow it."

He hummed and continued on. Venti reached the door first and barely waited before swinging it open. "Master Diluc and Captain Kaeya! Are ya home?"

You had to facepalm at his extroverted tendencies. "Venti please, you need to be... more settled before talking to them."

"I am not a settled spirit dear Y/N!" Soon enough two people stepped into view. One looked more irritated than the other.

"Venti..." Diluc groaned. "...Y/N. Welcome back but why is he here?"

You didn't have the energy to try and bring Venti down from his bubbly rampage. "Um, I'm pretty sure he has something he wants to ask you two."

Venti cleared his throat. "Yes indeed. Now! I ask for your humble blessings to take your wonderful sibling out for a night out!"

"Hell no." Diluc answered immediately.

"I think not." Kaeya agreed.

"Whaaaat?!" Venti whined. "But why? Am I not trustworthy enough?"

Kaeya chuckled. "My good friend. You make a splendid drinking partner but um..." His face darkened, "I do not want you anywhere near them."

Venti frowned. "What about you Master Diluc?"

"I'm going to have to pass. See yourself out."

You sighed, knowing this was going to happen. "Kaeya, Diluc, just so you know whether or not you approve we're still going."

"Like hell you are." Kaeya was very adamant on his side. He didn't know why you wanted to be around him romantically at all. He didn't even know that Venti had a single romantic bone in his entire being.

"I'm an adult. Stop acting so childish."

"Adult or not I clearly still have to look after you before you make stupid decisions."

Diluc raised his hand. "I hate agreeing with him but he has a point. I just don't trust him."

Venti pouted. "Man you guys really have no faith in me? I swear I'm loyal to Y/N and only Y/N! Is my word so futile that you can't find it in your heart to believe me?"

You pulled Venti back by his hand. "I already told you they can't stop us. So let's just go."

"Y/N–" Diluc tried to say but you cut him off.

"Say whatever you want 'luc, but I'm hard to sway once I've already made up my mind."

He paused and took a second to rethink his actions and words carefully. He never wanted to upset you, but he always wanted what was best for you. "Let me rephrase, please. I do not doubt your ability to choose a partner. But you must know who Venti is."

"I do."

"So then you understand how his immortality contrasts you being a mortal. One day if things become too rough in the city. I fear you being the kind hearted person you are, you will put yourself in harm's way to protect him even if he doesn't need it."

Diluc's words managed to take you off your guard. Was he wrong? Now that you thought about it, probably not. You might've inherited the self sacrifice aspect from one of your parents, wherever or whoever they may be. But you didn't want to think about Mondstadt if it were to fall.

"I feel the same." Kaeya added. "However, my concern comes from the sheer fact that I don't trust your heart in his hands."

Venti now took on a much more serious face. He had known they were going to feel a certain way about all of this. But he had no idea they had such strong feelings against him. But he couldn't be mad. In fact, he was glad somebody had the guts to question him. Mortals in that matter.

"I get it. This brings us to our first real relationship conversation, Y/N." He turned around to you. "I need you to understand something." The look in his eye didn't have his usual happy and joyous glint. "Even if it does come to the point in time where I am called to the front lines once again and have to defend this nation from ruin, I do not want you by my side."


But he held a finger to your lips. "They're absolutely correct. I can reincarnate time and time over. I have the power of the wind and can defend not only myself, but everyone in this very city. You are blessed with other attributes and only have one life. So I need you to treat it carefully."

Why did they have to do this now? You had no intention of coming home and getting emotional over this.

"So please my treasure. Keep yourself safe."

Kaeya scrunched his face. "Gross what a weird nickname."

"Just ignore it." Diluc side eyed him. "Those were my only concerns. Y/N, I wish for nothing else besides your happiness. If Venti is who you truly want to go out with, then neither of us can stop you."

You gave your brothers a smile. Grateful that they could see through and find a positive side to wanting to be with Venti. You wrapped your arms around them both and let the sensation of family resonate around you. "Thank you, so much."

When you turned back to Venti you noticed him spacing out and tapped on his shoulder. "So. What did you have in mind?"

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