Just Once 💫

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A/n: Have you ever been told you are good at something only for you to ponder over your own capabilities? Well, if yes, then stop being so hard on yourself and ofc, never underestimate your skills!!!💗

This poem is about the thoughts of a star, who everyone thinks is all shiny and pretty but, the star itself is so clueless about who he is and wants to see himself only once from other's pov.

I shimmer and twinkle,
Beautiful and starry,
I shine and sparkle,
The fire of confidence in my eye.
Some say I burn,
Some say I shine,
But what I yearn,
Is to see this reflection of mine.
Even though some say I stand proud,
And when they look my way they all scowl,
But just for once if ever,
I want to see myself in a mirror.

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