Part 1

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Y/N = Your Name | N/N = Nickname | L/N = Last Name | (OPTIONAL PART) D/N = Dead Name

Blair = my OC

Niko = my OC

Person 1 :

You look around, ears twitching. You were looking everywhere for Double Trouble, but you just couldn't find them. People looked at you with confusion, disgust or anger. You were confused and angered by this, but tried to ignore them and kept on going. You soon noticed another magicat. "Hey! I have a question" You say, walking up to them happily. "What do you want?" the magicat asked. "Do you know a non-binary shape-shifter called Double Trouble?" you asked, smiling. "Wouldn't you like to know?" the magicat replied, their tail swishing. "Please? I promise I won't bother you afterwards. I just really want to see my friend.." you promised, really wanting to see Double Trouble. "Wait a minute. You're not part of the Horde! Who are you and why are you here!?" the magicat yelled. "I just want to see my friend" you replied happily, smiling. "Get out of here!" she yelled. "Calm down, kitten. I know them" a voice said- Double Trouble! "DT!" You exclaim, looking over and jumping at Double Trouble, hugging them happily. "Come now, Y/N. It hasn't been that long since I saw you" Double Trouble said, trying to push you away. "It felt like forever!" you said, continuing to hug Double Trouble. "Kitten, what are you doing just standing there? Help me!" Double Trouble said. "Definitely not. This is way to funny" the magicat giggled. You eventually let go, still smiling. "Finally" they muttered. "You work here now? What is this place? Am I able to work here as well?" you asked, walking around Double Trouble. If your tail was longer, it would be gently touching Double Trouble as you walked around them. "This is the Fright Zone, N/N. And, you would have to speak to kitten about joining the Horde, if that is what you want" they replied. "Kitten?" you asked. Double Trouble pointed to the other magicat. "That is kitten" they said. "My name is Catra and you know that!" they yelled. "Soooooo... can I join?" you asked Catra, looking at them happily. You didn't quite understand what the Horde was or what they were doing to Etheria. "You want to join? The Horde?" Catra laughed. "Yeah! I wanna work alongside DT!" you exclaim, not understanding that Catra was joining around. "Yeah, no. We need the toughest we can get around here. You do not fit that description" Catra said, looking at me. "I'm tough! I can be tough!" you say, ears pinning as if you were trying to look 'fierce'. "Prove it" Catra said.


Person 2 :

"That's it! I'm leaving!" You yell at everyone, before walking off. Stupid Rebellion. You didn't need them. You continued to walk, before finding.. the Fright Zone. You thought for a second- why should you fight with the Rebellion when you could fight against them? You walked inside the Fright Zone, continuing to look forward. Faces were clearly upset at you. Some of them even asked why you were there, or tried to stop you. You continued to look forward, pushing past anyone that tried to stop you. You eventually reached another magicat- Catra. "Where is it?" Catra muttered, rummaging through.. something. You cleared your throat, which made her jump, before looking over at you. She growled, before jumping at you. You moved out of the way easily, Catra landing on the ground. "Don't attack me. I want to join the Horde" you stated as Catra tried to get up. You pulled the other magicat up. By the hair. "Ow! Could you like, not touch my hair!?" Catra yelled at you. "Your welcome. Now, can I join the Horde or not?" you asked, ignoring the magicat's short temper. "How do I know you aren't just trying to trick us?" Catra asked. "The Rebellion is horrible! Glimmer is angry all the time, Adora can't understand simple knowledge, Bow is way to emotional, Sea Hawk literally burns down boats for a living, Perfuma is way to emotional, Frosta is a literal KID-" you claimed, before being slapped. "Shut up!" a creature roared at me. "Why should I?" you asked, looking at them. "We don't want to hear about your kind" they replied. "I'm not a princess, idiot" you replied. "Ahem. Blair, we talked about this" Catra said. "Right. Sorry, Catra.." they said, quickly changing from rude to scared. "Now. Do you really want to join the Horde, or are you here to trick us?" Catra asked, looking at you. Your tail swished, as you did not know how to answer. "Come now, kitten. Be a little more trusting, will you? You just let me in because I tricked someone. I do that as a job" you hear a voice say. You look around, confused on who said it. Soon, you saw a beautiful shape-shifter with blonde hair and yellow eyes. "Why should I!? They are from the REBELLION!" Catra yelled. "Ugh. So sorry about her, darling" they said. You still didn't know what to say. You were mesmerised by them. "Are you okay? A little red, if you ask me.." they ask, lifting your head up to their height, looking over it as if to see if you are okay. You push their hands away, falling onto the ground, before quickly getting back up. "I just want to join. And if I can't do that I kind of have to live in the wild with no-one. Can't really do that when the Rebellion is out, because then they were try and get me to join again" you explain to Catra. "Does it look like I care?" Catra asked. "Magicat to magicat... yes" you reply. "Alright. Go ahead and try and play smart" Catra hissed. "I will serve the Horde as I should. I will not betray the Horde" you say. "Prove it" Catra said.


Person 3 :

You get up, yawning. You get up before anyone else, looking around. There weren't as many cadets as there usually were. But, there was always Blair, who just slept until they had to get up. Stupid, if you ask me. You continued to climb down from the top bunk, stretching. You walk out, ready for training. "Y/N" you hear someone say. You look around to see Catra. You glare at her, not speaking. "Follow me" Catra said. You continue to listen to the magicat, following her. "We are running low on Horde Soldiers" she said. You knew that was a complete lie- we were running low on cadets. "Don't even try and tell me otherwise" Catra said. You nodded, rolling your eyes. "So?" Catra asked. You thought for a second before noticing what she meant- she was offering to promote you to Horde soldier! You nod, keeping a straight face. "Good. Now, be gone" Catra hissed. You walked out, noticing that Blair was actually awake for once. "Y/N! I need your help!" Blair whisper-screamed to you, running up. You look at them. "Wait, did you just get promoted?" they asked, tilting their head. You nodded in reply. "Good job! Anyways, big problem. Remember that little baby I found randomly when I tried to escape and decided to basically adopt?" Blair asks, still whispering. "Well, I may or may not have lost him.." they whispered. You sigh, face-palming. "So are you gonna help me or not?" they ask, looking at you. You nod, before noticing Catra growling behind us. "What is this thing?" Catra asked Blair, lifting up a little baby boy that was giggling. "There you are! I am so sorry. I will make sure he doesn't get out again" Blair promised Catra, scared. They took the baby boy from Catra, cradling him. "Get it out of my sight" she hissed. Blair quickly went away back to the Cadet Dorm-room. "Make sure that Blair doesn't let it out again" Catra hissed at you.

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