Chapter 28 History.

Start from the beginning

Y/N drank her water and glanced at me. "Yes, there is something I want to talk about," Y/N replied to me.

"Oh? What do you want to talk about sweetheart?" I asked her.

Y/N gulped and look away from me. "It's about Grandpa," Y/N respond to me.

I was shocked at what I heard Y/N say but I was confused about how did she know she has a grandpa.

Y/N noticed my expression making her worried about me a little.

"I-I know it sounds weird to you but I wanna know about my Grandpa's history," Y/N explained to me.

I sighed and glanced at Y/N. "I think it's time to tell your history of your Grandpa sweetheart," I admitted to her.

"You know when I was 19 years old sweetheart my Dad always trained me in some amazing magic," I spoke to her.

"I've always hung out with my Dad's friend when he's busy," I replied to Y/N

"One time Dad gave me my very own wand and I was very happy," I said with a happy tone.

I flipped a picture frame on the shelf and saw my Father again.

"He has always been a nice Dad and an independent person," I admitted.

"But everything changed when the war began," I said while squeezing my clothes.

"My Dad let me stay with his sister in another country, to keep me safe at the war," I said.

"After the war, I quickly took off I went to this country and started to find him," I said.

"The moment I saw him laying at the side of the tree we always hung out at," I said with a sad tone.

"I noticed that he was losing blood after the war," I said.

"I was trying to get some help but my Dad's friends stops me," I said.

I was trying not to cry but I felt that one tear was falling onto my cheek.

"Dad glanced at me and smiled he said," I said.

"It's time to move on, without me son before I leave you please let me name your first baby girl," I said.

"I was confused that I was gonna make a family in my future," I said.

"I know that you are only 19 years old but I looked to your future and saw that you will marry a beautiful and nice woman who will love you for the rest of your life and have a healthy baby girl who has our blood type on it," I said.

"Y/N L/N my first ever grandchild please let her name that before she was born in this world," I said.

"I will be by your side no matter what happens son thank you so much I became your Dad..." I said.

"After Dad said his last words he closed his eyes and passed away," I said.

Y/N Pov

Father stop talking and began to cry a little.

I didn't say something and wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes.

"Dad I don't know what I will say is just I'm very speechless at Grandpa's past," I replied to her.

Father smiled at me. "It's fine to take your time to think of it," Father responds to me.

Suddenly, Father gets something under the table making me curious.

Father put a big box and let me explore inside of it.

It was a box filled with many old books and some old things.

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