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Amongst the room there was an artsy light brown table. On the table there was a platter of all kinds of food. Tomatoes, a type of cheese called brie, dates, cheese and onion chips and dried apricots.

Uncle Sam, Aunty Frieda, Mum, and Dad were sitting down chatting and laughing. In a shy manner, Amy took a seat and crossed her arms and watched the conversation. After Uncle Sam laughed, Aunty Frieda giggled and seemed puzzled. "So Magaret, I hear Amy got into university this year. Amy! What are you studying?"

"Philosophy and biology" Amy smiled and laughed. She laughed in a nervous manner.

"Wow, biology. That's amazing. And...what was the other subject you're studying?"


"Oh.. okay?" Aunty Frieda frowned. "But how would you get a job from that? That subject is just like those subjects like history or even-"

Amy's mum laughed. Aunty Frieda, there are a lot of things Amy can do in university.

Amy's dad laughed too. "I agree."

Aunty Frieda swallowed suddenly and then said "yeah...I agree too. Hmm... so does that mean, Amy, that you are going to Kingsville University.

"Yeah, that's the one." Amy spoke.

Amy's sister Marissa took a tomato and squished it awkwardly with her finger. "Soon I will be in university. I would study something like gaming and media."

Aunty Frieda rolled her eyes and then smiled. Aunty Sam then went on about how he studied nursing and then changed his mind and studied to be an English teacher.

Marissa then looked nervous and then said suddenly "but I don't know how Amy is going to cope with...um...y'know, her issues."

Aunty Frieda laughed. "Issues?"

Uncle Sam looked anxious "Issues? What issues has she got. That seems concern-"

"Ohhh, those are nothing to worry about. Don't worry about Amy and her private life." Mum sighed.

"Can I be excused..." Amy frowned.

Everyone looked around nervously and Amy walked up the stairs. She wanted to punch the wall going upstairs. Why does my distance family care about my issues so much? Amy had though. She was so sad.

She sat on the edge of her bed wanting to break down. A tear fell down her face and she wiped them and scrunched her fists into a ball.

No one knows how it feels to lose a pet, Amy thought. She pulled her legs to her chest and gently rocked.

Then she began to hear something. She heard the cries of someone. It was a unsettling cry. The cry of a dog. The cry of...

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