Chapter 8

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" Have you discovered any abilities yet?" Connor asked, trying to get a laugh.

" Abilities? Vampires have abilities?" I asked, wondering if they have abilities.

" Yeah, abilities. I have mental electrokinesis and Landon has relational identification. They are pretty cool abilities," Connor said, getting all giddy.

" Huh, I wonder what mine will be," I said excitedly.

" Who knows but knowing you and your personality, it will be a pretty sick ability," Connor had said with a smile as I walked away.

Abilities. Vampires have abilities. This might be the only good thing about being a vampire. I had thought about what I could become if I had gotten abilities. What would I be like? When will the ability appear? Would my personality change at all? I had thought about all of those possibilities while I looked at myself in the mirror. I went into a trance while I looked at myself.

" Hey, what are you doing?" asked Landon ,very calm.

" Nothing. Ummm, what are you doing up here?" I responded coming out of my trance, stumbling on my words.

" I was walking to my bedroom and I thought that I could check up on you to see how you were handling all of this," he responded with a caring tone.

" Oh ... well, thanks. I appreciate it. I am doing okay I guess. I just really need to get ready for school tomorrow," I had told him, flustered.

He nodded his head and walked out of the room. I felt something come over me when we were talking. It was something I had never felt towards him before. Love. Lust. Admiration. It was the strangest I have felt since being but it was a good strange. I had gone to bed that night feeling more and more attracted to Landon than I ever did before. I tried to fall asleep for hours but I couldn't bring myself to do it.There were too many Landon thoughts running through my head.

As the sun rose, I waited for Landon to come and "wake me up". Ever since I had become a vampire, the boys have been trying to keep my life as normal as possible. They have been keeping the same routine ever since then which I was glad that they did that for me. This change is definitely not what anyone had expected.

" Hey Nevada," Landon had knocked on my door ever so softly, " Connor made some food if you're still wanting that sort of thing."

" I'll be down in a minute," I said with a slight cheeriness in my voice.

I had gotten out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I washed my face, touched up my makeup, and walked into the closet. I stood in that closet for what felt like hours looking for something to wear today. I decided to wear something that made me feel like myself again. I had picked out my favorite and fabulous black heels, a black and white mini skirt, and a red long-sleeved bodysuit. I had put on the outfit and walked back into the bathroom and curled my hair. I then stepped back and looked at the finished product. I think I am finally liking the person I see in the mirror.

I walked out of my bedroom with a smile on my face. I stood in front of the stairs, took a deep breath, and walked down in confidence.

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