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Amias looks down and sees Mazarine standing below him, their skin touching.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you."

Mazarine apologizes, looking up to Amias. Her face drops and her eyes widen.

"It's ok, you don't need to panic."

Amias reassures, noticing the expression on Mazarine's face.

Mazarine nods, finding herself not being able to speak from getting lost in his eyes.

"I'm Amias, the Warl-"

"The Warlocks son. I'm aware."

Mazarine cuts Amias off, looking him over before having to crank her head up to look at his face.

"I'm Mazarine."

Mazarine introduces, suddenly feeling intimidated by the authority radiating of this man standing over her like she's the size of a frog.

"It's nice to meet you, Mazarine."

Amias slightly smiles down at her. Mazarine just noticing how deep his voice is.

Amias runs his hand through his thick, dark brown curly hair, messing up the gel he put in it. Mazarine feels a swarm of butterfly's travel all the way from her stomach to her throat. She feels her cheeks heat up when their eyes lock and she quickly looks away.

Amias observes Mazarine from her jet black wavey hair to her heeled feet, taking note of her red cheeks and sudden shyness.

"I have to go. Good night, Mr.Sereno."

Mazarine politely excuses herself and brushes past the taller man.

"Mazarine, would you like me to walk you home?"

Amias offers, not wanting to let her walk home alone in the dark.

Mazarine turns around and looks up at Amias.

"Thank you for the offer, Mr.Sereno but I'm ok."

Amias nods, being respectful of her choices and watches her walk away.

Amias rubs his 5 o'clock shadow with a sigh. He continues his walk back to his father at a nice small house just down the road. The walk back Amias was consumed in his thoughts that only were about Mazarine.

He wondered a lot about her and how he never had met or heard of her. She was mysterious and he hated but loved it. The way she looked up at him with such purity in her big green eyes, her dark hair complementing her pale and rosey complexion, the way her pink plump lips formed words so effortlessly.

He was mesmerized by everything about her and he didn't even know her. Amias has never felt this way about anyone. He's never been in a relationship with any girl besides for a nights pleasure. Amias needed to know more about her, and he would try and try no matter how long or hard it took.

But Amias knew that this sudden feeling, this sudden desire to know this woman, to be in her life, to always be there and listen to her forever...was more then for just a nights pleasure.

Mazarine walked down the side walk, the only thing keeping the streets visible were the occasionally placed street lamps that hardly did anything. Mazarine's mind was filled with thoughts of Amias, his name running laps around her head so easily it was starting to give her a head ache.

Why? Why would he even want to look in her direction? He's the Warlocks son for gods sake. Wouldn't he want someone more willing, pretty, talkative. But Mazarine knew that she wouldn't be able to get him off her mind anytime soon.

Maybe she could just avoid him and when he'd leave she'd forget any interaction with him. Unfortunate Mazarine knew herself better then that and new her mind would be going crazy for a while. There was something about him, something that attracted her to him, something that made her want to know more.

Mazarine couldn't figure out why though. What was making her feel this way, what was there to this man that made her want to be with him, to know him, to care for him and his needs? Mazarine knew that he was just being a gentlemen, he was just reassuring her that her clumsiness was acceptable for the moment and to not stress further.

But the little voice in the back of Mazarine's mind kept telling her that maybe, maybe there was more to his kindness. Maybe there was more to the glint in his eyes, maybe there was more to the way he observed her. Like he was letting his mind take polaroid pictures of her very look, like he was engraving her into his mind.

Mazarine refused to let her mind go any further. She didn't want to get attached or to get her hopes up. There was no way that anything would happen. She'd just have to forget about him and their little interaction. Although her mind screamed at her to not do so, she wouldn't listen. Her romance side was not going to take over her. Her romance side was not going to be the reason she gets hurt.

Mazarine gets to her apartment and opens her door. She lets out a loud sigh, the look of her bed and the thought of its warmth making her tired. She gets undressed and just puts on a over sized t shirt, not even caring to take her makeup off before flopping into bed. Her eyes shut and her tiredness takes over.

Although Mazarine doesn't want to admit to it, she hopes that her and Amias' interaction was real and they could meet again.

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