Moving on.

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Walking along the pathway from his house, Crispin made his way to his neighbour. He had been requested to fix something, and would be paid as well..

So it was a win-win for him regardless, he'd be able to fix something AND be paid at once.

He didn't let any greedy thoughts get to him, for the time being atleast, he continued to the house and quickly checked something in his toolbox, before setting it aside and knocking on the door.

He felt something off for a few moments, but ignored it.

The person who lived their opened the door, and something came to Crispin. His eyes watered and his neighbour looked fairly confused.

"Are you alright, Crispin? Is something the matter?" They looked quite concerned for Crispin, he looked like he was about to cry.

Crispin looked up and realised what they meant, he wiped the forming tears and nodded, then spoke.
"I'm fine, my eyes.. just, uh.. Sting! Yeah, sorry about that." Crispin awkwardly laughed and his neighbour told him that everything was alright, before inviting him inside to fix a pipe.

Crispin walked in and, again.. he felt something. The world in front of him began to spin, collide, and deform, and before he knew it he fell forward and everything went black.

It didn't feel too long after he woke up from whatever happened, his neighbour looked him in the eyes, concerned as to why the poor man just collapsed in their house for no reason, after saying he was fine.

Crispin explained how he felt off, and his neighbour said that he could go home for the time being and he would be called again some other time, hopefully when he was better. Crispin was fairly excited about the job, but he didn't feel right.. So he headed home.

He opened the door and rushed to his room, he flung himself into his bed and sunk into the blanket.

Crispin wondered himself, what he was feeling.. it felt strange, he had hardly felt anything like that before, especially at a time like that. But, eventually it clicked to him.

The reason was likely to be that it was Bee's previous house, lately, Crispin had missed her more then imaginable, and it was hard to get over her when he was quite lonely, other then his family and the circus,  there wasn't much to his life..

He remembered having a piece of paper of Bee's new address, he had been sent it incase of emergencies.. but surely this was classified as an emergency? He was desperate to see her, so the next morning that came he purchased a ticket to the city via train, and made his way there.

He hadn't been to the city much, just quick trips and nothing memorable, so it took a while to know where he was supposed to go, but it wasn't that long.. He finally arrived at Bee's place and he felt a rush of nervousness overcome him.

What if she didn't want to see him? What if it was a bad time.. and he spent long to find her? What if she forgo— No.. none of that would happen, it's Bee he was thinking about, she was never like that at all!

Crispin sighed, and managed the courage to just knock on the door, but as soon as he extended his hand out to knock, the door flung open and his eyes widened.

Bee looked just as shocked to see Crispin, but her look of shock turned to happiness quicker then he could think. Crispin flushed. He waved at Bee and was invited inside.

Crispin looked around at the house, it was fairly bigger, but still had the vibes that Bee did. He saw Puppycat and pet it, then went back to Bee.


A/N: First bee and puppycat fanfic, just a start tho!! 😖😖

watch this go down like my other fanfics..
enjoy while u stilll cannnn ⚡️⚡️


wednesday, 20:49


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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