Steven Universe: Steven's Weapon.

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Let me Tell you a story, a story about Steven Universe. He was the Son Of Rose Quartz and Greg Universe. Steven always had his father but his Mother Couldn't Live as he was born because When he was born she had t give him her Gemstone. Oh yeah, I didn't mention. He has a Gem where his bellybutton should've been. I don't wanna talk about Steven as a baby though, It would be very boring. We're gonna just fast forward to when Steven first summoned his weapon. Steven was about 12 years old, All of the Crystal Gems were training, Spinel summoned her Bat, Garnet summoned her gauntlets, and amethyst summoned her whip. "Why can't I summon a weapon!?" Steven said. "Whenever your ready, it'll happen." Garnet said. Then spinel stretched her arm and pulled me towards her. "Cheer up, your only half gem so it may come a little later for you." She said. "Ive waited 12 years, how much longer would I have to wait." Steven said, with a sad look on his face. "You could wait forever, only time will tell." Spinel said, not meaning any harm. Then Steven ran back into the Beach House. Garnet and amethyst chased him, but spinel plopped down, genuinely confused. "We'll take you to get 2 cookie cats if you stop crying." Amethyst said. Then garnet nodded. Steven wiped off his tears and they took him into the city to get him 2 of his favorite frozen treat. When Garnet gave the cashier the money for it, Steven ripped open the rapper and took a bite out of it. Then his shirt blew open and revealed his  gem. Then Steven without knowing, summoned his weapon. As soon as Steven opened his eyes, He was amazed at what happened and the Weapon disappeared, Well it wasn't much of a weapon. It was a Circle Shaped shield. Then Steven stuffed his face with both of the ice creams and ran outside. "I SUMMONED MY WEAPON!" He yelled. That whole day Steven spent trying to Re-Summon his weapon. Garnet and Amethyst had their attempts at tryin to help Steven but they both failed until a centipeetle attacked the Crystal Gems and Steven was the only one Not poofed. The centipeetle was gonna swallow the Crystal Gems but Steven made a shield strong enough to protect them. Steven didn't know what was going on because he'd never seen the be poofed before. "Guys, please come back." Steven urged. Then all of the Crystal Gem's Gems stared glowing and they all Moved towards eachother. Then they all started fusing, Steven has also never seen a fusion before so he was astonished. "Wow, a giant woman." Steven said as he saw alexandrite. She was Tall, had lavender skin, Long puffy pigtailed very dark pink hair,and  6 arms. She ripped the centipeetle in half and unfused. "Whoo, we haven't done that in a long time." Spinel said. Then Steven saw them, Ruby and sapphire. sapphire waved. Then Ruby ran up to Steven. "I've only ever seen you twice, your so big now. "We unfused once during your birth, just to see you separately." Sapphire said. Then Ruby and sapphire looked at eachother, nodded, hugged and fused again. That was a long day for everyone and a week later....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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