One for the team *Fluff*

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warning: /cussing/

Note: This takes place in the past before Terence went by Micheal

~Ethan's P.O.V~

I was on my way to the locker room when he ran into me, "Watch where the fuck your going pip squeak" I said not even looking at the person, it could have been a teacher but if it was I didn't care. "I'm not a pip squeak your just tall, asshole" I knew from that voice that it was Terrence. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking to the locker room, I think he continued on his way because I did not hear his footsteps behind me. When I got to the locker room I found my squad and some of my teammates were already here. "Dude, what took you so long" I heard Travis say, I bumped into Terence in the hall. "Do we need to go teach him a lesson" Chuck said, "Absolutely not,  remember what happened last time" I reminded them

~Flash Back~

"Terrence!" Chuck called from beside me, he turned around only to be hit in the gut, he retaliated by full on tackling Chuck. I really had no idea what to do till the rest of Terence's friends got here and pulled him off. Till he told them what Chuck had did and then Simon jumped him, by this time Travis had gotten here and Gabriel and him were going at it. I knew that if Terrence and I got into it then it would have gotten a whole lot worse....but did that thought come to him, no because he attacked me, naturally I fought back. It kinda looked like a scene from a movie, if movies had more blood. Eventually the teachers broke us up and Terrence and I got suspended for two weeks and during that time our parents made us hang out and if we didn't they'd lock us in the basement together. They thought it was real funny, but I wanted to strangle him with a cord so he stopped bitching at every little thing that happened.

~Flash Back End~

Chuck shuddered remembering what happened, "Simon is a small dude but he hits hard" Chuck said staring at the wall. I laughed at his ignorance but got dressed, we had a basketball game after school and I knew we were gonna win, but now its time for P.E I've got to wait till school is over till we can actually change for Basketball.

~Terrence's P.O.V~

We were in Math, as a straight A student this was easy but my friends were struggling, normally what we do is copy each other because our teacher lets us do corrections. So when my friends and I get our Math back what ever I get wrong theirs like a 75% chance that the others got it right so I copy off them, and then if one of the others get one wrong they copy of of me or another one of us. If we all get it wrong we find some nerd to take his paper and figure out how to do it. This is the only reason we are passing Math we've been doing this since the 5th grade and we are Freshmen. 

~Time skip~

The bell rang for the 8th time today, it was time for my last class, Science. I really don't like that class for one reason, we have it with the Seniors and that means that Ethan is going to be there. I kinda hope he used his colon again it smelt good, never mind that though. I walked pass the class and nearly got knocked over by Travis running down the hall "Slow the fuck down you idiot" I yelled after him but he was already gone. When I finally got to the class, Ethan was the first one there I was the second, I sat next to him without saying anything. "Look I know we aren't friends...but can I borrow your homework" I was debating whether or not to say yes till he said please. "Fine, but make it quick" With that said he took my note book and copied down my homework quickly. Just as he finish and gave me back my homework the bell rang and the teacher came in. Another reason that I hate science class is because not only do I sit next to Ethan I also sit next to his friends that give me death glares the entire time. Yes, he wore is colon.....

~Ethan's P.O.V~ 

Multiple times during that hour I found myself staring at Terrence, either it be when he was sitting next to me and I was just staring at him, or when he got up and walked away from me I stared at his ass I noticed that Gabriel, Terrence's friend, noticed and would tap the desk when he was about to look at me or about to turn around. I found it helpful, he caught me staring at him once when he was next to me but I played it off and continued to stare at him the entire hour. Finally the bell rang and it was time for the basketball kids to go change, Terrence was more of a volleyball guy, unlucky for him there practice was just before out game so the basketball teams got to sit and watch them practice. When we went into the locker rooms to get dressed I noticed that he was in there I was confused at first till Gabriel pulled me aside and told me a little about Terrence.  He told me that Terrence likes to be called Micheal, but only his friends call him that he also told me that if I wanted to get with him that he did not have a very good home life. Neither did I so I guess that one thing we have in common, he likes the color black but he also like purple. He told me more but I tuned him out when I saw Micheal start to change. I snapped out of it when Gabriel was snapping his figures in front of my face, "you're not going to do that for the game right" he asked me, I was confused at first, "What do you mean" "The game, Foxy Bro is coming to out game to watch me play" I went into panic mode at this "AND YOUR JUST TELLING ME NOW!" I got a little loud and some of our teammates looked at us funny. "Sorry guys" I apologized. Some of them laughed and continued getting dressed, "Well I didn't think you would care, after all your group of idiots hates us and last I checked we hate you guys" he stated coldly. I sighed at this maybe I didn't have a chance with Terrence, I turned to get dressed as he walked out behind Terrence. For a second I thought he was gonna ask him out for me, then I realized this isn't the 2nd grade I need to go out there and do it myself. I'll wait till after the game though.

~After the volley ball practice and the game has started~

The game has been going on for awhile, but more than once that night I found myself showing off more then once trying to get him to notice me. The game was going fine till the end of the third quarter, I think one of the members on the other team was a little mad I kept getting the ball from them and decided to play a little dirty. For like the 50th time that night I stole the ball but this time I passed it to chuck, Gabriel was on my left, next thing I know its lights out.

~Terrence's P.O.V~ 

 I think its funny how Ethan doesn't think that I haven't noticed him eyeing me all day, I mean I can feel his eyes on me. Though science, when he was staring at my ass, that got a little risky, I wonder what would have happened if I had turned around and caught him in the act. He would have most likely played it off, as I was watching the game something caught my eye. I noticed one of the members on the other team did not look to happy, "Sour sport" I heard Simon whisper to Mark and then to me "Yeah, Ethan is on fire though" I said trying not to be obvious I was watching him the whole time. "Agreed" Mark said, "Look hes got that ball again" Simon said, but I turned my head just in time to see him through the ball to his friend, and the other team member pushed Ethan at full speed. A loud noise echoed through the entire gym as the crowds from both sides went quiet. For I second I expected him to get up and laugh but he didn't, he didn't even get up. For some stupid reason the adults wouldn't move, almost as if they were stuck, no one moved, not even his friends. I don't think anyone expected a guy as big as Ethan to get knocked out. I moved my way through the crowd and to the other side of the court, I bent down next to him and tried to shake him, maybe I could get him to wake up.

~Ethan's P.O.V~

I woke up to Terrence on top of me, he had been gently smacking the side of my face trying to get me up. I sat up and the crowd cheered, my teammates clapped as well, but I wasn't focused on any of that. I was focused on the small brunette sitting on my lap, he was looking up at me concerned. I shook my head and patted his thigh, signaling that he needed to get off my lap so I could stand up. He got the hint and got up, I stood up after he did. When I stood up my body swayed a bit but Terrence got under my arm and helped me to the locker room. When we got there he sat me on the bench and went to the mini fridge next to the lockers. Terrence grabbed the ice pack that had been in the freezer part of the mini fridge and placed it on my head. I pulled him onto my lap to make it easier for him, he blushed but continued what he was doing. With this consent I lifted his chin with my hand, forcing him to look at me. "Way to take one for the team" He said to me. I smiled and kissed him, he smiled into the kiss, as the two of us made out we could hear the game continue outside.

Words: 1776


I actually kinda like this chapter, I feel it got a little cheesy but  O'Well you all seem to like that, well bye now.

Important Please read: I'm reading back through this a little later and realizing I used Ethan instead of Elijah, because I'm too lazy to go back through and fix every time I used Ethan I'm going to let you all in on a secrete that was going to come out later. Elijah's full name is "Elijah Ethan Allan Evens" hope you all are no longer confused.

-Fox Out

Micheal x Elijah One Shots (Rarely Updated)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum