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a/n: ok, this one's better.


He took off his helmet as he approached me, and gave me a small bow. "Guess who's officially a knight, your majesty? Apart from being your bodyguard, that is."

I grinned at him. "Oh my goodness, that's awesome! We have to celebrate..." I trail off as I place a finger to my chin and tap my foot on the ground, as if in thought. Which I was.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Celebrate in... what way, exactly?"

I smirk as I walk up to him, before gesturing downwards. He looked down and I pulled out the small bottle of tequila I had hidden in my gown somehow, and he raised another eyebrow at me whilst saying, "Oh? You're bad."

I chuckle and nod softly. "So, what do you say?"

"Hmm... I say let's go for it. I'll be up there in about, say, twenty minutes?"

I nod softly, the tequila concealed in my gown once again. "Alright, see you up here then." I tell him in a sing-song kind of voice, before turning around rather slowly and starting to make my way up the elegant staircase, just knowing that he was staring at me all the while.


About twenty minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said, knowing it was him at the door.

The door opens and in walks the man himself, taking a seat next to me at my desk.

"About time." I tell him, teasingly.

He chuckled and shrugged. "Well, I had to change. Unless you wanted me to come up here with all my armor and gear?"

I shook my head. "No, it's fine. You're fine this way."

He nods as I hand him a small cup, before pouring both of us a fair amount of tequila. He once again raises an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged. "What? I did say we were going to celebrate, no?"

"Well, I didn't take you as the drinking type." He replied, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I'm not, just this one time for my favorite knight." I say, as we both clink our glasses together and take the shot at the same time, and I cringed at the taste of it and stuck my tongue out in disgust, placing the cup down as he chuckled at my facial expression.

"Oh God, I'm never doing that again." I say, shaking my head as I watched him reach for the tequila bottle, serving himself another glass of the gross stuff.

"Well, I know I am," He said, drinking his like it was nothing. He placed his cup down once he finished and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "I knew you wouldn't make it past one shot. You're not the drinking type, period."

"Oh yeah? Watch me." I said, before taking a hold of the whole tequila bottle. However, he placed his hand on top of mine, stopping me as I turned to look at him with a confused look in my eyes. "What?"

"You know, I just thought of another way we could celebrate..." He says, giving me this intense look that was doing things to my insides and body in general.

I squirmed around in my chair, looking away from him as his gaze got too much, then I asked, "And... what is that, may I ask?"

Before I knew it, I was scooped up from the chair, and he was carrying me bridal style, walking over towards my bed and gently placing me down on it.

I blushed, but didn't stop him. As I wanted it too, I wanted him too. I've known for a while now. I just knew we were into each other, but I wanted him to make the first move as it makes things better between the two parties when they're both equally involved.

He started removing my clothing, and thankfully I had already taken off the huge burdensome gown when I came up here. So I was just in my nightgown, and undergarments. I just knew this was going to be the most magical night of my life, losing my virginity to the man of my life and dreams.

And so it began.


After about half an hour later, there I was, panting hard with a flushed face and messy hair on top of him, heaving chest against heaving chest as I tried to regain my composure and catch my breath. Once I had calmed down, I laid my sleepy head on his sweaty chest, but it was strangely comforting. I closed my eyes and just relaxed, enjoying the feeling of being in this rather intimate position with him.

Oh my, I think I'm addicted.

He panted as well, and wrapped his arms around me, caressing my hair gently, soothing out the tangles as he did. "Wow, that was amazing." He breathed out softly.

I nodded, with my eyes still closed. "Yeah... Thank you for giving me the most wonderful night of my life."

I looked up at him, and saw that he was already looking down at me, smiling as he said, "Of course, and I'd do it again every night after that. You know, I'm your knight and bodyguard for that matter, and I'm here at your service." He concluded, before leaning down to kiss me, which I gladly returned the favor. His kisses were so sweet, so pure. I never wanted to stop kissing him.

We pulled away after some time for air, and I laid myself back on top of him. "Yeah... but you can't always be here for me, and that's what saddens me. You have duties, and so do I. And the last thing I need is my parents finding out and separating us, I don't know what I'd do if that happened. You know how they are..." Jeez, way to ruin the moment, Lillian.

He sighed, since he knew it was true, but just tightened his grip around me. "Yeah, I know... But as long as I'm here, I will be your knight and personal bodyguard. Your parents won't be able to do anything about it, because I am at your command, not theirs."

I nodded, and that made me feel better since I realized he was right. "Yeah, you're right."

Suddenly, he said, "I love you."

I blinked, then blushed. "I... I love you too."

Oh my God, my heart is beating so fast...

He smiled, then smirked, and before I knew it, we were going at it again. It felt just like the first time, if not, better.

And there you have it folks. Just your typical love story of two friends becoming something more than that. You see, I didn't think that'd be me and him, ever, since we're completely different and of different classes/statuses as well. He's strong, courageous, and not afraid to say what's on his mind. I'm pretty much weak, don't have much confidence, and get pushed around easily by my parents and anyone else who has higher authority over me. And still, I suppose opposites attract. Because here we are, living proof of that. But our friendship and love that we have for each other brought us like this, it was just inevitable.

And to think, it all started when he saved me from an asshole prince I was supposed to marry, Richard. Well, other than that, I'm glad it happened because it brought me to him.


a/n: haha... i'm cheesy but i like it :p

- Princesa

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