i put henry down

y/n: jabez just leave

jabez: no im sorry beautiful it was a prank

y/n: you don't joke around like that jabez

jabez: i know i know i'm sorry

y/n: yk how much trouble i could've been in if this was for real? you're so inconsiderate and-

he smashed his lips onto mines & it made me forget about everything.

jabez: better?

henry: eww

i tried holding in my smile but i already felt myself blushing

y/n: you're so annoying, don't ever do that again

he hugged me

jabez: im sorryyy

we went back to the park and did some tiktoks with diego, jabez, me, and henry. i recorded a little bit for yt and now we were in jabezs car.

y/n: diego you're a bitch for not telling me

he rolled his eyes & i laughed a little bit

i got henry into his car seat, buckled him in, got in the back with him, and asked where he wanted to go.

y/n: henry are you hungry?

henry: mm a little bit

y/n: what do you wanna eat?

henry: uhhh mcdonald's

y/n: great minds think alike

jabez drove us to mcdonald's and we waited in the car for the food.

jabez: y/n i can't believe you still order chicken nuggets

y/n: what's wrong with it

jabez: you're such a kid

y/n: shut up jabez

henry: yeah shut up

we laughed

jabez: sorry didn't know you guys were so offended 

we got our food then we went to target

y/n: okay henry we're gonna go to target but you have to promise to be really good okay?

henry: okay

diego: you guys wanna play hide and seek?

all: yess

y/n: okay i'll stay with henry

diego was seeking so me and henry got in the toliet paper aisle and made a little fort for us to hide in.

y/n: idk if we're gonna win but you have to stay really quiet okay? especially if a worker comes by

i whispered and he nodded.

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