Will sniffled. "I'm starting to think it was a mistake." Mike instantly got worried. He panicked. "What? What was a mistake? The thing we did or... Or us?"

"I don't know Mike. We shouldn't have been so careless at school even if it was in the storage closet. And you shouldn't have messed with Jane's feelings like that. I just know that she's the one spreading all these rumours." Will continued.

"Wait, so what are you saying?" Mike was trembling at this point.

"I'm saying that maybe we should break up." Will answered, quietly while letting go of Mike.


"I'm not saying anything Mike. I just- I just wanna love you without my life going to shit. And I know how that sounds and I truly don't mean to be selfish but- I... I don't know." Will answered, taking a look at his boyfriend's expression.

Mike cupped Will's face in his palm. "It's not selfish. We're literally together and people are still giving you the most hate. It's not fair. If I could take it all from you and put it on myself, I would in a heartbeat. I'm so sorry about what you have to go through and I'm sorry that I'm not much help other than like- my fists."

Will chuckled at Mike's last comment. "Ugh, stop reminding me of reasons why I can't leave you." Will joked.

"Hey, another reason could be that I love you with all my heart and I can't ever stand to let you be sad." He made a fake pouty face. "I love you little one." Mike smiled while slouching his neck to kiss Will's nose.

"I love you too." Will returned the smile.

Just as the pair were getting lost in each other's eyes, the door swung open. "MINNIE YOU'RE BACK!" Holly exclaimed as she jumped onto Will's lap.

"Hey, Ho- I mean, Daisy. How are you?" Will gave a cheesy smile and hugged onto Holly. "What's with the names?" Mike chuckled, chiming in.

"Oh, Holly named us after Mickey Mouse characters. She said that I was like Minnie and she was sassy like Daisy." He snickered. Mike playfully rolled his eyes in reply.

"Do you want to play house with me Minnie? Mike can play too! You can be the dad and Mike can be the mom and I can be the beautiful princess daughter." Holly offered excitedly.

"Hey, why does Will get to be the dad and not me?" Mike playfully argued.

"Because Will is better at the dad!" Holly insisted. "So can we play Minnie? Pleeeease?"
She begged. "I mean, if it's ok with Mike." Will said, looking in Mike's direction.

"Ugh, if I say no I'm gonna be the bad guy right?"
"Yep!" Will quickly replied.

The three of them went off into Holly's room which was the biggest for no reason other than they spoiled her. They hung out, playing with her kitchen set and bossing around her stuffed animals for about an hour before Karen came into the room. Soon enough, she was faced with uncontrollable laughter at the sight of Holly and Will poking at Mike who was complete with a pretty pink dress, blush, and lipstick smeared all over.

"What have you two done to poor Mike?" She laughed.

"She wanted to dress Mike up to look like the mom!" Will explained, laughing as well. Mike on the other hand, was not happy. He was busy getting tissues to wipe the lipstick off of his face.

"Ok, well you all can continue another time because right now Holly has to get ready for bed." Karen gestured Holly toward the bathroom. Yes, a bathroom inside her bedroom as a SIX year old. "No please a little while longer. Will just got back!"

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