Goodmorning, my love.

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"Happy anniversary my love!" Angeliques eyes flutter open to see that dumb smile of julias, shes very giddy and definitely awake. Julias mind crawls back to the moments of their honeymoon, drunken kisses and love making, she can't help but blush at the thought of her wife in the nude, how she vowed the rest of her life to her, the first mansion they bought together. Everything was falling into place.

"Good Morning to you too Jules, happy anniversary my love" Angelique sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, sleepy but happy her wife is always there to wake her up, the first goodmorning and the last goodnight. She really does love her. Her mind flashed back to the memory of julias drunken words, her wifes delicate fingers flicking to a random page in the book Angelique kept on her nightstand. Her mind recites the worlds Julia uttered a year ago. Her drunken wife, her slurred words and her giggles that came out as she recited the first sentence of that page. Angeliques favorite book, it had a red leather cover, with a gold inscription on it "The world is ending" the book didn't have an author on the front nor anywhere in the book but non the less it was a well written and heart wrenching read. 'The world is ending my love and I'm glad to have met you.' haha isn't that funny oo the world is ending, I love you angie! How she loves her wife to the moon and back, she would die for her, she'd break her heart for her.

At that time, Julia seemed to remember how she picked up the book and said those exact words, her drunk and tired wife.

"Hey honey, remember the night of our honeymoon and that book you always kept on your nightstand, and the page I read from it?" Angelique gave her a small nod, slowly getting out of bed. Julia continued to blabber about their honeymoon which Angelique found very cute, it's very julia.

"Sweetheart, what do you want to do today?" Angelique headed to the bathroom as she waited for julias response.

"I don't mind! Anything with you is fun!" Julia wasn't lying, she could be at work with her wife and wouldn't mind the smelly seafood one bit. She truly loves Angelique and doesn't know what to do without her, she's her whole world.


Sorry this is really short but I hope you like it! I will write more for the other chapters! I swear!!!! Anyways I love Julique so have fun! - M

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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