Part 13 || Why...?

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"Come, March!" Parona said happily. "Grandma, you too!" Parona said to the old woman. "Yes." the old woman responded. "This way." Parona said, going into the room with the bear's body. "Goodbbye, Mr. Bear." March said sadly. You walked by March's side. "We can get to the wagon room by this waterway." Parona said. "Grandma, go on ahead with March. Here's the key." Parona said, handing the old woman the key. "Got it." the old woman said smiling. "What's big sis doing?" March asked. "Work. Let's go." the old woman responded. You stayed next to March.

Parona lifted her sword to the bear's lifeless body, about to decapitate him. March looked at her. "STOP!" March shouted. Parona's eyes widened. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING BIG SIS?! STOP IT!" March shouted again. Parona looked at March, her face softening. "I'm only going to cut off a little bit. I need to prove to the village that the spirit bear is dead by showing them this." Parona said, trying to calm March down. "That's horrible!" March argued. "Horrible?" Parona inquired, still softly smiling.

"March, horrible or not, this bear is already dead. It's only going to be burned and turned to ashes now." Parona said. "But I feel so sorry for him!" March said. Parona smiled at her. "Here, March, let's play a game. Go on with grandma now, and if you do, I'll give you a reward." Parona said. "Look! A fluffy doggy~!" Parona said, holding out a dog figure in her hands. March slapped the toy out of her hands, and Parona looked at the toy on the ground in shock. She then quickly tuned to March and smiled.

"March, please, just this once, do as I say..." Parona said, trying to get March to cooperate. "If I can prove that the spirit bear is dead, then it's possible that we can avoid any children ever again being sacrificed like you almost were." Parona said, kneeling down and putting her hand on March's head. "But he isn't the spirit bear..." March said, her voice trembling. "Then think of it this way... this bear died to protect the poor children like you from being sacrificed. It died to prevent the ritual from ever happening again." Parona said, still trying to comfort March.

"That's selfish! He's just a big scary bear! He's not related to this!" March said back. "No... March, you're still a child, you wouldn't understand..." Parona said. March looked at her sad and shocked, and Parona's eyes widened. "D-don't make that face March..." Parona said, nervously laughing. "Big sis, why are you laughing?" March asked worriedly. "I... I'm only trying to..." Parona trailed off. The old woman looked at her impatiently while you sat next to Fushi.

Parona looked defeated as she clenched her fist. Parona knelt down again. "Understood, March." she said smiling. March slowly started to smile. Parona picked up the dog toy that was earlier slapped onto the ground. "Let's go. I'll persuade the people of the village." She said, walking away. "I dont think it'll go well, but..." she stopped for a moment. "I'll do it. Without using others' lives, I'll prove that I can do it." she said.

You all walked out to where the wagons were. You stepped into the wagon, Parona drove the wagon, and you all set off. "Ha! We'll cut across the city and head back to the village!" Parona shouted from up front. "HOORAY! Escape plan: successful!" March shouted. You flinched when March shouted. "Oh no! I'm sorry, doggy. Here, come here..." March said apologizing. You went over to her and laid down as she stroked you. "We're going back to Ninanna. I'm so happy to see Mama and Papa again!" March told you and Fushi. "Will everyone be happy if they find out March is still alive...?" March asked.

"Of course, March!" Parona shouted from the front of the wagon. Suddenly the whole wagon shook. "AH!" March screamed. You all went tumbling. "Hya..." March said on the floor of the wagon. You landed on top of Fushi. "You're terrible. Let me." the old woman told Parona. "Ow..." March muttered. March looked at the fur balls that fell on the ground. You nudged them with you muzzle as Fushi pawed them. "Oh, these are the presents to give thanks..." March said, picking them up.

"I want to give some to big sis, so keep it a secret." March said, winking at the both of you. "What's a secret?" Parona asked smiling while getting back into the wagon. "Ah! Nothing!" March said quickly. "I see." March said, taking her sweater off. "Hey March, what will you do once you've grown up?" Parona asked, taking her armor off. "When March grows up... March will do everything that she can do." March said confidently. "First, March has to learn how to cook, or else she can't be a mama..." March continued. "Then one day when she has kids, she wants to make dolls for them like big sis does..." March said happily.

"Also, March wants to learn more words. And maybe even learn how to write. Maybe create a script for the Ninanna... anyways, March wants to know everything she doesn't know. Growing up is a learning process, right?" March asked. "Ah, and my doggies will be with me, obviously. We'll learn together and grow up together." March said, looking at you and Fushi. "That wish will definitely come true, March." Parona said.

Then suddenly arrows came, trying to shoot at Parona. Parona held up her piece of armor before they shot her. March gasped. "Big sis!" March said worriedly. "It's alright." Parona said reassuringly. "This is a game as well." she said, getting her bow and arrow. "A game of escaping before we're caught." Parona said, aiming her arrow. She shot the arrow straight at Hayase, but Hayase blocked her attack.

"Hand over the dogs. If you do so, I will spare your lives." Hayase said. "No..." March said, clutching you and Fushi closer to her. "I refuse." Parona shouted to Hayase. Hayase smirked. A guard came right next to their wagon, and eventually hopped on. "COME AT ME! I'll knock you down!" Parona shouted. "No, big sis! It's dangerous! You'll get killed!" March yelled, tugging on Parona. "Did something happen?!" the old woman asked worriedly from the front of the wagon. "Please, keep the wagon running!" Parona shouted back.

"Big sis, don't go!" March pleaded Parona. "Stand back, March!" Parona shouted. The guard hit Parona's sword with his. "What should March do?" March asked herself, looking at the mess of a fight going on, looking at Parona struggling. "What should..." March asked, trailing off when she saw Hayase aim her arrow at Parona. "Even March..." March said. She jumped in front of Parona, blocking the arrow from hitting her. It hit March instead.

Parona looked down in shock. March laid on her, bleeding. You burned with rage. You turned into the form of the big bear, and Fushi followed after you. "That's right. Come, dogs." Hayase said. In your bear form, you slammed your paw down, making everything go flying.

''To Your Eternity'' || (Fushi and Nameless Boy x Original Female Character)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat