desks scooted noisily all about the classroom, theirs together again and they couldn't help but smile as they made eye contact. the grin plastered on eddie's face told how happy he was to see the girl in that moment.

and then he looked down.

his smile was wiped from his face and immediately replaced with shock, but that didn't last for long once he realized what she was trying to do to him. eddie definitely did not expect such a bold move from his shy friend.

"i like your outfit today, evie." eddie leaned back in his desk and stretched, proud of himself, but also feeling sort of dirty for looking at his childhood best friend the way he was. his eyes were looking anywhere but at her, desperately trying not to sneak an obvious peek.

she confused him in ways he had never been before. how could you want to just touch and kiss your best friend all the time? it wasn't normal, even eddie knew that much, but normal was overrated.

after the events of friday night, he was scared now more than ever of losing her. the need to make a move was... pathetic, but who could blame him?

thankfully, eve's playful demeanor seemed to calm him down a bit, allowing for him to be his flirty self.

the girl smirked, "i know, i like yours too." her eyes flicked down his lower abdomen to where he was revealing a bit of skin. the tension suddenly became thick and eve couldn't help but wonder what the happy trail led to, but her virgin mind was too bashful to even attempt to imagine.

being a teenager in the 80s was a lot like being in a steamy romantic movie, or at least that's the conclusion evelyn had come to. she felt on edge 24/7 but also full of desire and the temptations never left her mind. it was all very different from what she was used to.

when she stayed home, the only worries she had was the next medication louellen had to take and what assignments she had to turn in for her homeschooling program. where she missed the simplicity of those times, she found herself appreciating the life she had now and especially eddie munson.

"earth to evie, are you done drooling over me, sweetheart?" eddie's voice dripped with sickeningly sweet honey. his flirtatiousness delighted her, it was a big reason that she couldn't help but crush on him. she wasn't very skilled in that area, but she did her best.

"i'll stop drooling when you can look me in the eyes and not at my chest," how quickly eddie's deer-in-the-headlights eyes came up to hers had to be record-breaking.

"i-i wasn't doing that."

evelyn laughed out loud earning a glare from their teacher, but made eddie's heart pound. her hands covered her face in embarrassment only to have them removed by the boy across from her.

"i think you're adorable when you blush, don't cover up, princess." his confidence was seemingly unbreakable.

there were those butterflies again. more like a stampede of freaking elephants, eve thought.

she gasped almost inaudibly at the sudden touch but allowed him to keep his calloused hands on hers. the twinkle in his eyes both eased and frightened her. the urge to cover her face was unreal, but she remained still; their eye contact was so intense and they only broke because of the laughs from the other side of the classroom.

"get a room, freaks!" a jock known as jason carver yelled causing eddie to tense up. he was fine with being labeled a freak. actually, he basked in it, made it his own brand but for jason to rope evie in with that without getting to know her or anything—that was a mistake.

"you wanna run that by me again?" eddie was stood up now in a defensive manner, his hand ran through his hair. everyone was staring at the freak show now and jason just laughed.

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