"Y-yeah...I'm fine." She giggled waving off their worry. "Just a bit...distracted."

Bandana Dee and Elfilin both exchanged looks of concern for the Star Warrior.

"Come on, we should go before he leaves us behind." She giggled before realizing something. "Hey we don't have a name for that guy..."

"Well, he doesn't seem to be able to speak so he can't really tell us." Elfilin replied.

"We should give him one!" Kirby cheered. "I mean it feels kinda rude to just call him "that guy" don't ya think?"

"True, but what are we gonna call him?" Bandana Dee asked.

"We can think of a name for him later, right now we should go find out what made that noise." Kirby reminded everyone.

The 2 suddenly remembered why they were out here in the first place.

"Oh yeah!" They all yelled before all of them began racing off after you.

It wasn't long before the trio caught up with you.

Kirby took another glance at you before shaking her head and remembering her own words.

She needed to focus on the task at hand and find the Monster that had roared earlier.

You and your small group finally made it to a large clearing in the forest.

Although, it seemed it wasn't always a clearing, as many broken tree stumps dotted the clearing indicating that the trees have been ripped out.

"What happened here?" Elfilin asked worried.

"Obviously, that monster that roared earlier had rampaged in this area." Bandana Dee stated readying her spear. "The destruction looks recent too, so it can't be far."

Meanwhile you looked far off into the distance and with your black pupiless eyes it looked rather unsettling.

Kirby saw this and looked up to you.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kirby asked only for you to suddenly reach for your Nail and draw it.

She flinched back a little bit at your sudden action but soon she heard why you pulled your sword out.

It was the sound of flapping wings.

The others immediately heard the sound too and got ready to fight.

Well Bandana Dee did anyway, Elfilin wasn't much of a fighter.

Kirby herself also gets ready to fight, her fire hair burning more intensely as she got into a fighting stance.

The flapping grew louder and closer making everyone tense up.

Not you though, you just stared on calmly, your cloak bellowing with the wind.

Suddenly a large shadow shot up above the trees making everyone look up to see a large creature flying above them flapping it's large wings.

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Voidheart: (Fem Kirby x Male Hollow Knight Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя