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Time quickly passed and before she knew it, it was the day of the concert before announcing her hiatus. (y/n) felt nothing but uneasiness, like a student giving an underprepared presentation to a class. It didn't help that management had booked a bigger venue for more people to attend, resulting in her biggest show yet.

She was currently seated in front of a vanity table in her dressing room. A handful of people surrounded her, from makeup artists to sound checkers. Though there were many chatters, all she could hear was the sound of her heart beating in her head.

She looked at her Pokeball on the table. For her entire life she had one partner and wouldn't have had it any other way. An extremely rare sight to anyone, let alone Unova.

A shiny Alolan Vulpix was gifted to her when she released her first song. Her parents were worried that others may take advantage of her being young, so they sheltered her from people. To keep her sane, they obtained the rare species of Pokemon for her.

Because Alolan Vulpixes were almost never seen in the region, (y/n) had no way of evolving her partner Pokemon without an Ice Stone. She didn't mind as she loved Vulpix no matter what, but a small part of her wishes to one day be able to evolve her as a sign of becoming a real trainer.

Grabbing the Pokeball, she slightly tossed it in the air revealing the light purple Pokemon. She smiled at her partner, admiring it's shine. Her image color as an idol, and favorite color in general was coincidentally the same shade of color, as if it was fate.

Vulpix jumped on her lap with glee, the outfit coordinators around (y/n) crying a little in fear of her stage clothes being ruined. They continued crying in silence as they were unable to speak against the Pokemon, seeing how happy it made the idol.

The makeup artists had just about finished, and it was now time for the hair stylists to finalize (y/n)'s hair. Even though at the end of each concert her hair ends up a mess from dancing, they still prioritize to make sure it looks it's best.

(y/n) started humming her songs while petting Vulpix, a form of warming up and calming herself from stress. Her eyes traveled to a worn out piece of paper, the letter that her manager allowed to stay original, written.


Leon felt guilty. He didn't think to wear a disguise of some sort, showing up in concert with his usual champion outfit— including the cape.

So here he was with Raihan, taking pictures with fans as they waited in line to get in the venue. He hadn't meant for the concert queue to become a meet and greet for him. To top his guilt off, fans pushed him forward in the line so he could get an earlier entry.

As for his friend, his ego had gone up even more, seeing as they had fans outside of Galar.

The man had taken photos with and without fans, with and without Leon, and with and without his shirt.

Leon was outright embarrassed. He hoped those photos wouldn't reach the idol, but somehow he had a feeling they would.

He saw the headlines.

'Galarian Gym Leader Stands Shirtless in Line for (y/n)'s Biggest Concert'

Although he wasn't going to lie, he thought of joining Raihan in the chances of (y/n) seeing him, catching her eyes and falling in love with him.

He was delusional.

But not delusional enough to actually go through with the idea.

His Rotom phone flew to his face, catching his attention. He quickly picked up the call— anything to distract him from Raihan's fanservice.

"Hop, how are you? Isn't it late there? You should sleep soon..."

"I know, I know, I'm just jealous!! I wish I could have come with you..."

"Sorry buddy, Raihan only got two tickets!"

"Speaking of Raihan... Is that him????" Hop pointed to the scene in the background, horror in his eyes.

"Don't look at that." Leon moved the Rotom phone away.

"Um... Anyways... Get me a shirt or something!! Please!!"

"Alright, I will! Now go to sleep."

"Fine. Night bro."


Leon sighed, forcing himself to face his nightmare of a friend before the concert started.


He wasn't sure how it happened, but somehow his seats ended up from the back of the stadium to front and center of the stage.

He mentally thanked Raihan for his service.

But right now, all on his mind was being so close to his idol. Soon, she'll be standing before him, singing her heart out.

His heart skipped a beat at the thought of them making eye contact.

He felt childish, although who could blame him? If it weren't for her music, he wouldn't have had the courage to try and become the champion— to follow his own dreams.

There was a specific song he hoped to hear tonight. It was one he heard when he was in training, wanted to give up so badly. The music motivated him more than ever, and ended up being his go to song before each battle he had.

Soon enough, the lights went dim and the crowd started yelling.

This was it.

A compilation of instrumental music started playing, until it went silent— leaving the audience in anticipation.

And then, his favorite song had started.


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: 決戦スピリット (Kessen Spirit) - Chico with Honeyworks
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 3:37/ 4:30 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀


(y/n)'s voice almost cracked from crying tears of joy, hearing the audience sing with her. But what shocked her even more was in front of her, was the very man that inspired her to write the very song she was singing.

She had heard about Leon's journey during his Gym Challenge up until becoming a champion. Before becoming undefeatable, he of course had his challenges as well. It amazed her, how even when he was defeated, he continued to push forward and announcing to the world how he will one day become a champion.

Amazement led to inspiration. Inspiration to become a trainer herself, and to become as strong as he was. Then, inspiration led to music.

During the final prechorus, she moved the mic away from her mouth and sang with the audience once again— wanting to show everyone that she was just like them, a normal person. It brought her to tears, and her eyes wandered to scan each face of the crowd, appreciating each of them— until it stopped at the ones in front of her.

Her smile widened with tears on her eyes at him, a smile that personally said "thank you." Leon's eyes widened noticing this.

He had what one would say, a yn moment.

Raihan noticed this and nudged his friends shoulder. As another fan, he was jealous. But as a friend, he was happy— but also still jealous.

The song ended, and the crowd roared.

Idol | Leon x Reader (Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now