Ch. 8 - Because I'm Selfish

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He was thankful for her presence. As much as he'd pushed the feeling to the side, she was the only one that he could count on - especially now.

"What happened to your face?" He stared into her eyes, causing Risa to immediately avert her gaze. Knowing his partner, he knew exactly what that reaction meant - she couldn't keep her composure.

"You should see the other guy." She laughed lightly as she bandaged one of his cuts. "I didn't think you'd notice since the swelling's pretty much gone now."

"Someone really made the decision to go against you one on one?"

"And lost. Don't forget that part."

Kakuzu smirked, a small sound of amusement escaping his lips. This only served to make Risa smile even more as she focused on making sure his injuries would heal okay. She couldn't help but notice that he wasn't as lanky anymore and had built some muscle since he'd been sent on that mission. She also wondered if he'd been pushing himself to maintain his strength since he'd been imprisoned. Tracing her hands over the stitches that aligned his body, she was more surprised that he didn't try to stop her. After glancing back and noticing the guard had disappeared, she decided to move forward with a more precedential conversation.

"Are you going to tell me how these happened now?" She asked quietly, looking up into his eyes. "Forget about my face. I should be asking what happened to yours."

"Before I left on my mission, I was given access to a scroll to increase my odds of success. With the brief information I received, I created something of my own - Earth Grudge Fear." He explained. "There's a lot more I could do, but I haven't figured it all out yet."

"Tatsuo let you see one of the forbidden scrolls?"


Risa raised her hand towards his face as her mind was twisted with confliction. She was trying to find some way to be okay with the situation, but all she could think about was that Tatsuo had not only put Kakuzu's life in danger with the mission, but he also essentially set him up with knowledge of forbidden techniques which is more than likely why he was facing such a harsh punishment. The pad of her thumb absentmindedly traced along the corner of his mouth until she felt his hand enclose hers.

"You should go home now."

"And what did I tell you before?"

Risa sat up on her knees so she was equally face to face with him and leaned forward, pressing her lips against his. It was meant to be a tender kiss, however it quickly escalated into something more. Kakuzu let go of her hand and pulled the girl towards him so she was straddling his lap. Cusping the cheeks of her ass, he held her firmly in place as she relaxed against his body. Their tongues danced around each other until the last possible moment when Risa pulled away for air. If it weren't so dimly lit, he probably would've seen the slight tint of flush across her cheeks as she looked down at him.

"Time's up!" The warden's voice could be heard bellowing from down the tunnel. "Light's out!"

The bluette quickly clambered off of her partner before the guard could return and gathered her belongings since she wasn't allowed to leave anything behind. Saying a quick goodbye, she exited the cell once the bars were opened and disappeared. Kakuzu let out a heavy sigh as everything became dark and rested in his usual spot along the rough, rock wall. He had a lot of thinking to do, but unfortunately another pressing problem - the growing mound in his pants - needed his attention first.


Days that turned into months passed as Risa continued to live in Takigakure. Most days, she didn't don her hitai-ite, and sometimes she found it hard to get out of bed, however she kept moving because she knew she was Kakuzu's only source to the outside. Despite her abilities, Tatsuo kept her in the reserves so she never left the village. She may have paid no mind to it since she didn't care how the village fared anymore, however her parents had a different take on the entire situation.

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