the feeling

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the feeling, specific to me, and inexplicable by others.

the feeling of nostalgia;
the feeling of childhood,
the feeling of being at grandmas; having fun - just the two of us,

the Feeling of watching aspiring videos at 4AM,
the feeling of wanting to travel there,
the feeling of Running away, without actually running abroad,
the feeling of meeting her. They shall get a visit someday...

the feeling of listening to that album late at night,
the feeling of relaxing with easy math exercises,
the feeling of Silence.

the feeling of being there,
the feeling of doing that, [culmination]
the feeling of Living,

the feeling exists.
the feeling is real (?)
the feeling fades...

the feeling,
the feeling.

I'm feeling.
Do you?                               Feel it.

- 25.03.22 (23.07)

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