Journeying Across the Sea

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Based on the scattered directions we received, I predicted that our sailing trip should take around two weeks if we did not encounter any trouble. The first seven days of our trip were uneventful, although many apes experienced seasickness, due to this being the first time sailing for many of us.

On the eighth day, we saw a giant bird that ressembled a stork. The destel that was on the ship with us, Tols, identified it as a The W bird. He described them as good-natured and kind creatures that travel across Olton for their creator, the god Dawlot. The bird flew right by our ship, and we were able to get a closer look at it. I was amazed at its majesty up close, and could feel its connection to divinity just by being near it.

Nearing the end of our voyage, we began to ready ourselves for the walk on foot to come. We eventually sighted land. It was covered in dark clouds and fog, and the ground was dark and muddy. We had arrived on Cratfem. Landing the ship was not a problem, as we simply rowed it onto the shore and left it there. We set out across the harsh landscape without encountering much difficulty, but this would soon change.

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